it was a shock to the system landing back in denver the other night and the temps were in the low 60's. And it seems they have not increases since i stepped foot off the plane. It should be back in the 70 by tomorrow. Thank goodness. Even though i love fall, i am not really ready for it yet.
My trip home was great. We had a nice visit to Wilmington and can foresee more visits in the near future. When we got there it was the day before Hanna was to make landfall on the coast of NC. The surf was up, but the skies were clear except the wisps of pink ribbons in the sunset. It was beautiful. We walked on the beach and collected some shells and watched the sun go down. After dinner we went downtown and walked around a bit. The city center is quant and we really enjoyed it. We strolled and when it started drizzling, indicating the storm was approaching, we headed back to the hotel room. We had picked up a few newspapers from the area and sprawled them out on the bed, fired up the laptop and did some area searching. While the weather channel droaned on in the background we looked at house rental prices and crime stats in the areas we thought we could afford. We made a plan for the next day and hit the sac.
We awoke to cloudy skies and the voices of Jim Cantore and Adam Berg telling the tales of the waves and wind. Nothing too much at this point. we decide to get showered and checked out and then drove straight to the beach. We found where Adam Berg and the other sever weather people were broadcasting from and went for a gander. The surf was getting a bit heavier and the winds were starting to pick up. After watching some live shots we drove down to the north end to watch some waves. when we got up there, we saw two guys getting their parasurfing things ready for the wind. One guy took off so fast into the water and my Boyfriend and I decided we had just found the frist water sport we wanted to take up.
After a while we headed back to the car and got out the maps. We had narrowed the regions down that we wanted to investigate and headed off the island. We drove around the two main spots and were able to find a few homes for sale as well as a few for rent. We think our chances are good for finding something that will suit our needs at least for the first year back east.
Then we headed back downtown to cross the bridge and see the Navy ship that is docked in Wilmongton. At this point the rains started getting heavier and heavier. There were times that we had to pull over and wait a few minutes before proceeding down to road. Although there was a storm a brewing, we were able to see the ship and get a feel for downtown in the day.
We wanted just a few more minites at the beach so we headed back across the bridge for lunch. Well a late lunch seeing it was about 4pm. It was the best decision we made and had a great meal. We watched it get darker and greyer and when the winds really started picking up we headed north.
The rest of the week was a typical visit with the parents. Playing with the neices adn nephews, helping with homework, going out to eat, heading to the river house, getting pulled on a tube at 40 miles an hour and slowing to a snales pace of only 40MPH (oh the water) in the curves... getting some sun and eating some blue crabs.
My best friend from High School (well Middle school too) was able to meet me for dinner one night and that was GREAT!!! We chatted and chatted the night away. It is so good to reconnect with friends from days past. It reminds you who you were and where you are now. I am so very grateful for her and her friendship. Life really can rock sometimes.
Well that's about it. I have been crazy reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer lately. I have ready the frist two books in less than two weeks and am ready for the third but not sure if i want to pay hard back proces. They are not in soft back yet and as fast as i am reading them, i can read the adult novel she just released called the Host. Very cool. It's about aliens that take over the human and the human doesn't even reallyknow it.. CRAZY!!! So, that might be my payday purchase. It's a huge book, but i would love to read it.
Thats all for now. have a great afternoon. and weekend if i don't get back to update this before next week. We are hitting the Monalith Festival at Red Rocks this weekend so i don't know how much updating i will be doing. I will post some pics of the trip when i get a chance.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Day 2 at the DNC revisisted in pictures
Exterior of Pepsi center
This above pic is of a restaurant that CNN took over, in the secure area of the Pepsi Center and painted the exterior and hung this HUGE neon sign.
This is a rendition of the LOVE art, into HOPE art( and the Co. flag)
Wide shot of interior of Pepsi center for The DNC. All the areas around the stage has the seats removed and desk tops put in. All the ad banners were covered with news organization logos or DNC logos. The rialing you can see at the bottom is the railing that was right in front of me in the writing press stand. So, that is a literal picture of my distance to the stage.
Close up of the stage
Pages called whips were dressed in bright green smocks and their job is to hand out the signs on cue and get the individual states excited. Normally, when you have one candidate heading to the nomination, there will be one set of whips, but for this DNC, there was no decision of whether Hillary would release her delegates at this point in the DNC, so, there were two sets of whips; some for Hillary and some for Barack, not that you could tell them apart. So this night, the Hillary Whips had a petition type thing they were getting the Hillary supporters to sign saying they would lay off the Barack supporters and not cause issue when Hillary spoke.. This actually was an historical event in it's self because the Hillary whips were doing kind of the opposite of their jobs..But in the end, all the signs got out in time to hold up when the speaker would say the words on the sign. Very organized, like they had done this before... :) like a 100 times..
Gov. Mark Warner from VA spoke.. had to get the home town rep in.
signs being passed.. I like the hand shots..
Lady sittng behind me, too lit up not to take the picture...
ABC anchors watching
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