I am sad to see this come to an end. What will i watch when i am home sick? What can even come close to replacing the most exciting hour on television? What memories of the poor Hiker that contestants would over guess the price and send him tumbling to his certain death, but to only return to the show a few weeks later. And who can forget the large checks that the women would get up to write and misspell the numbers or not even know what to do with a check. And i cant forget the inspiration we had in college while watching this most exciting hour on television, to glue beer bottles on the roof of the house and send hockey pucks down. It even SOUNDED like PLINKO!!!! We had some heated games up on that roof.
And the last year for me, while i was going back to school and completing my Film Studies Degree, i watched Bob every morning. I would cheer and boo the contestants. I had visions of me on stage spinning the big wheel or even better, getting into the Showcase Showdown and saying "I think I'll pass this one Bob", to get to the better showcase where they always told a story.
I wont forget seeing the String Cheese Incident in LA for Halloween a few years back and from the side of the stage and the voice of Rod Roddy saying "Common Down"... as the cue for the band to take the stage.
Goodbye Bob... I will always spade and Neuter.
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Film lovers, just a note about something cool Henry Rollins is doing - and your chance to appear on IFC (Independent Film Channel.) He's looking for someone to make a short video "rant" and the person who does the one he chooses will be put on the air in a MAJOR way on IFC, where his talk show airs.
Henry will choose someone who does a 30-second commentary on one of 11 controversial topics, fly them to L.A., and make them the host of an upcoming “Rollins Show” Marathon on IFC.
Go to ziddio.com/myrollinsrant and record and upload a short video "rant" on one of the topics that Henry has selected (including abortion rights, has the Iraq war made us safer? Bush's response to Hurricane Katrina, is America a dumb country? global warming, etc.)
All entries will be watched by, and the winner chosen solely by, Henry. He encourages anyone to enter, no matter their political persuasion. His only requirement - have “passion and attitude!”
The person he chooses will be flown to Los Angeles, meet Henry, and serve as host of the upcoming "Rollins Show" Marathon on IFC.
Check it out: ziddio.com/myrollinsrant
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