Did you guys see this on the news last night?
This light bulb has been lit and working for over 100 years. Crazy!! It has it's own webcam that you can watch the light bulb. Guiness has given it a Worlds Record.
too cool.
Can't wait to see what happened in NC and IN. Might make this a less interesting race, which would be great for the party overall. The Dems need to back one person and start really backing them to get this big race started and over run McCain. I'm just sayin.
So they told us last night on the news that when the remarkably smart, caring and do-gooder-type George Bush the latest took office a barrel of crude oil was $36.00. YUP!! friggen $36.00 now it's $120. I mean I don't understand how you could seriously want to be president

I truly think it is all the high fructose corn syrup that we feed the Americans in everything they put their hands on. I mean we are the only country that uses this foul substance and we are the fattest, see a relation??? I honestly think that the government has been wanting us to get fat so they can take our rights, civil liberties and now all our money.. and KNOW that we are too tired, lazy, selfish, self righteous and now poor, to do anything about it, and you know what, I look around, even out here in Colorado and think, they were right and they got us right where they want us..
And no one cares.. That sucks!!!
And that's not even mentioning the fact that some people still think that it's not their responsibility to recycle or renew or reuse.. Again, too lazy, tired or just don't understand what it does. Thanks to the "scientists" that are on the Republican payroll, that are still saying Global Warming is a farce.. Is loosing the glaciers a farce? Are seeing the floods, cyclones, hurricanes increase in strength a farce? Come on people put down the coke can and little Debbie, open your eyes and think for yourselves. Patriot Act my ass... We are losing our country that it was founded for. Freedom, Equal Rights... That's the US i want to be a part of. I mean if the Republicans win one more time, then it is so obvious that the "fix is in:" I mean they are already re-certifying the electronic machines out here. We all know they were not fixed, but just re-certified now that another election has to be scammed.
What are you going to use your "Stimulus Check" for? I hope everyone uses it for bills and credit cards debts. Just don't, what ever you do, spend it at Wal-mart, Target or K-mart, unless you KNOW you are buying a "MADE IN USA" products only.. But i would rather see you use it at the local farmers market or mom and pop store. Just think wisely when you show bush what you (the voice of America) wants to support. Be wise. It's our country and I think we need to take it back.
I hate the American President and policies rant is over.. here's your trivia...
Today is National Nurses Day and the beginning of Nurses Week, sponsored by the American Nurses Association (800-274-4262).
Today is National Teacher Day, part of Teacher Appreciation Week
Today is Childhood Depression Awareness Day.
Today is No Diet Day, a day to stop dieting and stop dangerous weight-loss attempts, sponsored by the Healthy Weight Network.
Today is National Scrapbook Day.
Today is National Crepe Suzette Day.
Today is No Homework Day, a day for teachers to not assign homework
1973: In
1990: Dominic Cuzzacrea ran the 26.2-mile
1994: The flight crew of an Aeroflot jetliner with no hydraulic fluid landed their 55 passengers safely in
1997: A swarm of killer bees attacked a horse-drawn cart, killing the horse and seriously injuring the three passengers near
2002 Legendary songwriter Otis Blackwell died of a heart attack in
2003A speedy bandit blazed through
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