so this one was a doozy.... (gosh i miss fraggle rock. sorry but just saying doozy reminded me of the dozers which were the little builder guys that were always building. but i digress)
So, this weekend, yeah.. it was a hot one, and jeff had a tone of stuff to do, so I went along.. Saturday we get up and read the paper and make a plan, which we pretty much stuck to, to a degree.
First on Saturday we went to the Arapahoe County Fair.. and that means, fair rides, cotton candy, far animals and everything. We got there and the first thing on the list was dock dogs. When i asked jeff about it, when we were talking at home, he said that you had to register your dog before the fair and that Watson was not able to compete (dock dogs is where the dog jumps off the end of a dock to get a ball or whatever, and they record the dogs jumping distance.. well gyzoa is the dog that can jump off a dock, she used to have people stop and watch her when we lived in Michigan on the water. but she eats other dogs, so she wouldn't get the chance to jump, but watson is nice to other dogs, and he knows how to go off a pier, so i was sad when they said any one coulr enter when we got there.. There was a $3,000 prize for the dog that jumped the farthest, but i know watson's bad hips would not let him jump so much. but that's ok, they had a award for the smalled jump to.. watson surely could have done that.. but oh well. so we saw some dock dogs, saw some mutton busting. still don't understand what parents are thinking when every kid comes out crying, but anyway.. then we walked around for jeff to take some photos. He wanted to go on the farris wheel to get some aerial shots so of course i had to go with him. At the time, i thought i would be ok.. yeah... no. not a fan of rides anymore, that scared the shit out of me, and i was tense the rest of the day... but, then we went and saw some cows, chicken, a huge turkey that was pissed off and some model trains.
After that we checked out a hypnotist. that was really cool, almost my favorite part.
he had a group of people thinking they were in a Marioachi band, too funny..
then the best part of the day... FUNNEL CAKE!!! we found some AC in the hospitality room (perk of coming with the media and a sponcer company) and ate most of the funnel cake. By this time it was almost 3 and we headed home, to the HOT house. We were there for about an hour and then headed back out into the 90+ degree heat to the Greenwood village days. This was a small town fair in the town the Jeff's newspaper covers. so he had to go take pictures of the mayor and council at the fair and stuff. So I tagged a long. It was really done well for the community. The theme was "Blast off" and they had the place decorated with alien and marsian cut outs and planets and stuff. It was all free and so many things for the kids to do. there were canvases for painting, cut outs of alien heads and planets for kids to paint. they had a hand casting tent, i think i saw that over 700 kids and adults got their hands casted.. lots of crafts for the kids. Chick-fil-a was giving away meals, and they had ben and jerry ice cream too. all free.. Snow cones, and rides too, all free. when the sun went down they started giving out cotton candy and then there were going to be fire works. By this time, we were both so pooped we for-went the fire works and headed home.
Sunday we got up early, showered and started driving up. we didn't want to sit at home with it being so hot again, and the ac still down, that we went up top to see a friend and go for a hike. It was only about 4 miles round trip, but it was UP and i had some trouble breathing. it had been so long since jeff and I had done something like that that i think we were out of shape for it. But i forget i have asthma until i try to do something like that with out my inhaler.. not a great idea. needless to say i stopped a lot on the way up. but it was nice when we got there. it was full of mosquitoes though, so we didn't stay all that long at the lakes.. Watson went swimming and was really happy about that.. he did great on the hike. better than i did. that's for sure. But it reminded me that i have to get back into doing something physical. I am getting lazy and feeling pudgy again.. not good.. so i am wearing my pedometer today to see how i am doing. not too good so far, i can tell you that.
When i get home this afternoon and waiting for the AC guy to come, i will upload all my photos from this weekend and share.. jeff has some good ones of me. I will get them too and show you.. one i am standing on an ice field that is melted though, so it is basically a snow bridge.. anyway, i'll show you.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
What's in my name????
What Jennifer Means |
![]() You are fair, honest, and logical. You are a natural leader, and people respect you. You never give up, and you will succeed... even if it takes you a hundred tries. You are rational enough to see every part of a problem. You are great at giving other people advice. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are loving, compassionate, and ruled by your feelings. You are able to be a foundation for other people... but you still know how to have fun. Sometimes your emotions weigh you down, but you generally feel free from them. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. |
Monday, July 21, 2008
That was a long weekend...
Hey all, so sorry if i have not called or emailed back, but i have been totally busy that last four days. Thursday we went to WEEN. It was good. You know, every time i see them, and it has been a few now, going into the show i am always skeptical. I mean they play silly two to three minute songs that range from the absurd to the very prolific and thought provoking, even if it is for those two minutes. So we went. They played the handful of songs that i wanted to hear, Spinal meningitis, Bananas and Blow, Roses are Free (which Phish covers a lot, well when they were still a band, and it's my friend Josh's favorite song, too bad he picked that time to hit the bar and bathroom, but i think he said he heard it in the drink line) so, all in all it was successful. I also learned an important lesson. One that will probably still take a while to sink in, but it I can say that i really am starting to learn it. You really can't have any expectations for other people. at all, ever. Once you start to put your expectations on situations and people, you begin your downward spiral towards disappointment every time. It is natural to want to pre-envision how something is going to go or how someone is going to act, especially if you have not seen them in a while, but it will ultimately lead to your own downfall.
So, i haven't heard from a friend in a while. We learned that we would be going to the same show, WEEN, Thursday night. we have been friends for years, well I met her the same time Jeff and I started dating, so like for seven years, I have known her. She is also a friend on my myspace page and she answered a survey, which people do all the time. Well one of the questions was are you married, engaged etc.. so since she had her wedding in Hawaii last year, i expected to see the yes answer and as expectations do, i was shocked to see a "no" answer. So i emailed her and said, "Wow, what happened there??? I guess i haven't seen you in a while, want to grab a drink and chat. She wrote back, yeah and we made plans.. Well of course she was 30 minutes late... but whatever, traffic can be a bitch. She gets there and sits down, talks to me for about 2 minutes, see another friend walk past and got up to say hi... no biggie because we were talking, i figured she would come back and sit down.. well she didn't and the she just stood in front of me deliberately NOT sitting back in her empty chair next to me.. so i got up and asked a few questions about some mutual friends that i don't see anymore from up top. She gave one word answers and then just blatantly walked away..
So, what confuses me is that (1) ok, maybe she didn't want to talk about her divorce, short marriage, etc,, fine, we were friends before she met her ex and i thought we had more to talk about than a failed marriage. at least I thought.. and (2) if she didn't want to talk to me, why even show up and why even say she was excited to see and hang out with me, but then have the chance and not talk to me??? Oh well, i cried about it when we got home, and i have since realized that she is one a one way path, and i am not going in her direction. oh well, things happen, and i shouldn't beat myself up over someone else's decisions. My mistake was having expectations that she wanted to be my friend. so therefore i expected her to act like a friend, and that totally is not the case.. move on, right..
So, that was Thursday. Friday, i stayed home.. As the weekend would prove, i am just feeling in a rut and not very productive with my life, so i think i need to bring a jolt to the system. Just not sure what that is either.. so woke up in a funk, and just needed some quiet time. Jeff had to go to work, but was able to come home early enough to go to lunch. Which we did. Got some falafel plates and some hummus.. so good. A friend called and said he had extra baseball tickets if we wanted them, but we decided to decline to stay home and rest. It was going to be a big, long, hot weekend.. and that it was..
Saturday & Sunday we went to the Mile High Music Festival. It was the first in Denver of this size and caliber. We started Saturday with a good dose of sunblock and headed out into the temps.. I think i am going to write a bigger review later, but the gist was it was too hot, and big for me and I think I am over the HUGE festival scene... right as it is taking over the country. But a lot of people had a great time, and a lot of people sweated their butts off to see some good bands and some mediocre bands. But all in all, i have learned maybe a few more things that are valuable to my growing as a person. (1) It's big and hot, i probably am going to be crowded and hot. (2) If i am not shooting and jeff is, i spend a lot of time by myself, most of the time it's ok, but after the fifth or so time, i get testy, waiting by myself. (3) Eat before i go because there is never enough time to wait in a line to get food and jennifer doesn't like to be hungry, and therefore gets testy.
Anywhoo, back at work. still feeling lame and that i need a jolt. Not sure what it is, but i just feel like i am not doing what i am supposed to be doing and not sure what it is that I should be doing. All i know is that it is in televison or film and i am not getting there right now.
I love my doc that i have been working on, and I think it is a good idea, I just have trouble getting the idea to the screen. Not that that isn't a HUGE undertaking and one would expect it to be hard, but well the whole project is turning out to be difficult. When I entered into it, it was just me and my camera. Now i have all this footage and not one idea how to get it translated. I get really frustrated and feel overwhelmed when i turn on my computer and open Final Cut. It's there, i am just stuck.. it's frustrating to be frustrated with yourself.
Which leads me to another lesson that i am learning. When you are over-all frustrated with something you can't control, it tends to come out in very stupid and very immature ways. When I notice I am starting to act that way, about things that don't get to me normally. I really have to stop and listen to what's going on inside. I learned that I can get to the bottom of things by asking why over and over...
example. I feel tired. why? because i didn't get enough sleep, why? because i was tossing all night, why? because i couldn't stop thinking about "blank"... why? etc... It just sucks because it also takes being VERY honest with yourself, and most of the time, that really sucks. but you grow...
Ok, enough of my life lessons i am learning that stemmed from this weekend.. Oh but there is one more thing... people don't like to learn from your experiences, most of the time.. And like my vison quest leader said, Don't always give your pearls away freely, most will just take them absent minded and toss them aside. I guess just by typing this blog, I have broken that lesson i should have learned but have tossed it aside...
everyday is for learning and trying again.. here's to do-overs.
So, i haven't heard from a friend in a while. We learned that we would be going to the same show, WEEN, Thursday night. we have been friends for years, well I met her the same time Jeff and I started dating, so like for seven years, I have known her. She is also a friend on my myspace page and she answered a survey, which people do all the time. Well one of the questions was are you married, engaged etc.. so since she had her wedding in Hawaii last year, i expected to see the yes answer and as expectations do, i was shocked to see a "no" answer. So i emailed her and said, "Wow, what happened there??? I guess i haven't seen you in a while, want to grab a drink and chat. She wrote back, yeah and we made plans.. Well of course she was 30 minutes late... but whatever, traffic can be a bitch. She gets there and sits down, talks to me for about 2 minutes, see another friend walk past and got up to say hi... no biggie because we were talking, i figured she would come back and sit down.. well she didn't and the she just stood in front of me deliberately NOT sitting back in her empty chair next to me.. so i got up and asked a few questions about some mutual friends that i don't see anymore from up top. She gave one word answers and then just blatantly walked away..
So, what confuses me is that (1) ok, maybe she didn't want to talk about her divorce, short marriage, etc,, fine, we were friends before she met her ex and i thought we had more to talk about than a failed marriage. at least I thought.. and (2) if she didn't want to talk to me, why even show up and why even say she was excited to see and hang out with me, but then have the chance and not talk to me??? Oh well, i cried about it when we got home, and i have since realized that she is one a one way path, and i am not going in her direction. oh well, things happen, and i shouldn't beat myself up over someone else's decisions. My mistake was having expectations that she wanted to be my friend. so therefore i expected her to act like a friend, and that totally is not the case.. move on, right..
So, that was Thursday. Friday, i stayed home.. As the weekend would prove, i am just feeling in a rut and not very productive with my life, so i think i need to bring a jolt to the system. Just not sure what that is either.. so woke up in a funk, and just needed some quiet time. Jeff had to go to work, but was able to come home early enough to go to lunch. Which we did. Got some falafel plates and some hummus.. so good. A friend called and said he had extra baseball tickets if we wanted them, but we decided to decline to stay home and rest. It was going to be a big, long, hot weekend.. and that it was..
Saturday & Sunday we went to the Mile High Music Festival. It was the first in Denver of this size and caliber. We started Saturday with a good dose of sunblock and headed out into the temps.. I think i am going to write a bigger review later, but the gist was it was too hot, and big for me and I think I am over the HUGE festival scene... right as it is taking over the country. But a lot of people had a great time, and a lot of people sweated their butts off to see some good bands and some mediocre bands. But all in all, i have learned maybe a few more things that are valuable to my growing as a person. (1) It's big and hot, i probably am going to be crowded and hot. (2) If i am not shooting and jeff is, i spend a lot of time by myself, most of the time it's ok, but after the fifth or so time, i get testy, waiting by myself. (3) Eat before i go because there is never enough time to wait in a line to get food and jennifer doesn't like to be hungry, and therefore gets testy.
Anywhoo, back at work. still feeling lame and that i need a jolt. Not sure what it is, but i just feel like i am not doing what i am supposed to be doing and not sure what it is that I should be doing. All i know is that it is in televison or film and i am not getting there right now.
I love my doc that i have been working on, and I think it is a good idea, I just have trouble getting the idea to the screen. Not that that isn't a HUGE undertaking and one would expect it to be hard, but well the whole project is turning out to be difficult. When I entered into it, it was just me and my camera. Now i have all this footage and not one idea how to get it translated. I get really frustrated and feel overwhelmed when i turn on my computer and open Final Cut. It's there, i am just stuck.. it's frustrating to be frustrated with yourself.
Which leads me to another lesson that i am learning. When you are over-all frustrated with something you can't control, it tends to come out in very stupid and very immature ways. When I notice I am starting to act that way, about things that don't get to me normally. I really have to stop and listen to what's going on inside. I learned that I can get to the bottom of things by asking why over and over...
example. I feel tired. why? because i didn't get enough sleep, why? because i was tossing all night, why? because i couldn't stop thinking about "blank"... why? etc... It just sucks because it also takes being VERY honest with yourself, and most of the time, that really sucks. but you grow...
Ok, enough of my life lessons i am learning that stemmed from this weekend.. Oh but there is one more thing... people don't like to learn from your experiences, most of the time.. And like my vison quest leader said, Don't always give your pearls away freely, most will just take them absent minded and toss them aside. I guess just by typing this blog, I have broken that lesson i should have learned but have tossed it aside...
everyday is for learning and trying again.. here's to do-overs.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Weekend is a coming....
hey all, so this weekend is going to be a full one. First tonight we start with seeing WEEN.. they are a great, silly, loud band and they played last night too, but we don't have the desire to see multiple nights of them as we do other bands.. so we are just going tonight.
Then this weekend is the Mile High Music festival in Denver.. The line up is just ok, and not really a lot i want or really need to see, but jeff got me a press pass, so i will go and shoot a bit... That's about it.
used the pool again last night. It just goes so well with a Michigan beer, so who can blame me....
hope everyone has a pleasant weekend and i will give you more of a blog post next week...
Then this weekend is the Mile High Music festival in Denver.. The line up is just ok, and not really a lot i want or really need to see, but jeff got me a press pass, so i will go and shoot a bit... That's about it.
used the pool again last night. It just goes so well with a Michigan beer, so who can blame me....
hope everyone has a pleasant weekend and i will give you more of a blog post next week...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Back to one...
Well it is Monday and we are still waiting. Everything seems normal, like waking up with cramps but then nothing materializes.. so we are going to wait until this weekend and if I still haven't gotten my period, i am going to the doc..
But i took a pee stick test this morning and it was negative..
And today is day 32...
we'll see, but please keep praying..
(oh and one question, when was Poppop's birthday? think he might be giving me a present???)
But i took a pee stick test this morning and it was negative..
And today is day 32...
we'll see, but please keep praying..
(oh and one question, when was Poppop's birthday? think he might be giving me a present???)
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
So, here I sit at work and i am so tired.. and excited all at the same time, because jeff gets home today. I expect him a little later this evening.
So, i have my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
And i have to say that i don't really like my sister having the summers away from her computer. I have sat here all week, just waiting for someone to talk to me, but i know that the pool and the new river place, mixed with kid activities this summer, so i can wait it out.. But i am sad, and lonely.
nothing to report really, just waiting for mother nature to tell us what's up. and probably try again next month, but we will keep plugging along.
So, BIG BROTHER Starts this sunday.. so get ready. and don't tell me anything about anything that has been on television all week because these shows have been taped for viewing when jeff returns. so nothing about hells kitchen or anything..
That's about it.. don't forget to check my other blog, and i will get the ads off this one..
Oh and I dumped my mountain trip pictures onto my computer yesterday so i will post them for you to see what watson and I did this past weekend.
So, i have my peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
And i have to say that i don't really like my sister having the summers away from her computer. I have sat here all week, just waiting for someone to talk to me, but i know that the pool and the new river place, mixed with kid activities this summer, so i can wait it out.. But i am sad, and lonely.
nothing to report really, just waiting for mother nature to tell us what's up. and probably try again next month, but we will keep plugging along.
So, BIG BROTHER Starts this sunday.. so get ready. and don't tell me anything about anything that has been on television all week because these shows have been taped for viewing when jeff returns. so nothing about hells kitchen or anything..
That's about it.. don't forget to check my other blog, and i will get the ads off this one..
Oh and I dumped my mountain trip pictures onto my computer yesterday so i will post them for you to see what watson and I did this past weekend.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Been a long time gone...
Hey guys,
well thought i would update you on the trip.
The three shows here in denver were great. Me as well as two of my friends have been chasing certain songs for years.. For my friend Cal it was a song Radio Child. and for my friend Ben it was the song No sugar tonight in my coffee/New Mother Nature.. (yeah, you know it and Panic covers it just fine) and mine is a tune Big Woolly Mammoth.
OK, so little background, to chase a song means that you have seen ump-teen shows and for whatever reason have not seen that song played.. They may have stopped playing it, they may only play it once a tour, so you have to pick your show randomly etc.. It isn't that these are our favorite songs, for me, not by any means, but it has just been about 5-6 YEARS since i have seen Big wooly played live... so anyway...
So the first night, Cal got his Radio Child... We were all so psyched for him.. It was about time. I think he had been waiting about 5-6 years too for that one..
Then the next night the set list was good, and we went through the whole show with nothing really special, but then second song encore, Ben gets his No sugar tonight in my coffee/New Mother Nature.. That was awesome.. plus the song is so much fun..
Then the third day, (the show was in the afternoon, where as the fri and Sat shows are at night) so, on our way to the venue (red rocks, remember that place mom? we went there when you came to visit) but anyway on the way i see a big woolly sticker.. nothing special, just a sticker on a car heading to the show. Then we get in the venue and my friend has a big Woolly Mammoth necklace that he was wearing. Then i knew something was up with i saw the guy sitting directly in front of us and he had on a big wollyy t-shirt.. CRAZY. signs were all pointing to that day for me..
And the Band delivered.. I think it was like fourth song, first set, i hear the drums that start the song and turn immediately to Jeff who starts just smiling for me.. then i turn back to Cal and Ben who are freaking out for me and pointing to me saying, it's all you girl...What fun...
So we all came away from the weekend in Denver totally satisfied.. But that wasn't all for me and jeff. So, monday i stayed home from work and got the house cleaned and some of my clothes washed and packed. We had a friend come over monday night who would stay for the time were gone and take care of the dogs. The next morning we got up really early and hit the road. Kansas City is about 10 hours, and we had a show to go to that night, so we got up really early and started driving. only a few stops, one to get gas one to get some lunch and one to tinkle, and we were in KC and got to the room.
Everything was good. The first night the show was GREAT!! I mean stacked with songs that i love and songs that they have not played in a while etc.. so the set lists were amazing. and after spending three days in the sun and stairs hell that is Red Rocks (think 9,000 instantly sold out seats, with them all being General Admission, so everyone wants to be down front- read: battle to get a spot..)
so to be in an indoor beautiful theater with only 2700 people was great.
Day two we wake up and it is POURING. I mean being in Colorado for the last 9 years (I know, i can't believe it either) i have not seen rain like this in a long time.. so anyway. it passed about noon and we went to the art museum in KC. who knew they had a great one, that was also FREE.. so why not.. we saw a Monet and a Manet. (tippy, tippy day, day- if you watch Seinfeld)
So anyway, we went there and got some culture in. OK, so the coolest thing ever is that there is an artist that did an instillation at the museum that is four shuttlecocks... that's right the badminton birdie... good for you!!!! And they are about 15 feet tall, one is standing on what would be the rubber part, another one is standing on thee of the five feathers so you can stand under it.. (yeah, i did and got my picture taken). They were so cool!!!
by the time we got back to our room, it was getting cloudy again and we were starving. we got some chinese take out and by the time we were done eating it was pouting again..
We had to drive to the show that night because it was soooo raining.. well the highlight of the second night in KC was the friggen ROOF CAVED IN. and i wish that was an exaderation, but seriously, over the band on stage, they start getting poured on cats and friggen dogs coming down they, of course stopped the set, while we waited for people to fix the roof. it took about 40 minutes and the band was back on stage and played the whole night still. nothing shortened for the problems.. it was good for me, but bad for Jeff. As the night before we were back in our room at like 10:45. the curfew was 10:30 at the theater... so Jeff had planned to leave the hotel and start driving toward MI (to another panic show and a huge music festival) that night.. well we didn't get out of the theater until like 12:30, so that put him way behind schedule.
Thursday I got a flight out to denver for less than renting a car, so i took the flight and came home.
I have much needed some quiet time and that's exactly what i got this weekend. On Saturday i drove up Guennella Pass and then down and then back up Mount Evans and then back home.. it was a long day, but it's nice to get up top and breathe some mountain air.. getting to 14,000 feet is therapeutic.
Sunday I didn't do much, but floated in my pool, and did some laundry..
needless to say, I feel much better after a week off, and am ready to enter my life again...
well thought i would update you on the trip.
The three shows here in denver were great. Me as well as two of my friends have been chasing certain songs for years.. For my friend Cal it was a song Radio Child. and for my friend Ben it was the song No sugar tonight in my coffee/New Mother Nature.. (yeah, you know it and Panic covers it just fine) and mine is a tune Big Woolly Mammoth.
OK, so little background, to chase a song means that you have seen ump-teen shows and for whatever reason have not seen that song played.. They may have stopped playing it, they may only play it once a tour, so you have to pick your show randomly etc.. It isn't that these are our favorite songs, for me, not by any means, but it has just been about 5-6 YEARS since i have seen Big wooly played live... so anyway...
So the first night, Cal got his Radio Child... We were all so psyched for him.. It was about time. I think he had been waiting about 5-6 years too for that one..
Then the next night the set list was good, and we went through the whole show with nothing really special, but then second song encore, Ben gets his No sugar tonight in my coffee/New Mother Nature.. That was awesome.. plus the song is so much fun..
Then the third day, (the show was in the afternoon, where as the fri and Sat shows are at night) so, on our way to the venue (red rocks, remember that place mom? we went there when you came to visit) but anyway on the way i see a big woolly sticker.. nothing special, just a sticker on a car heading to the show. Then we get in the venue and my friend has a big Woolly Mammoth necklace that he was wearing. Then i knew something was up with i saw the guy sitting directly in front of us and he had on a big wollyy t-shirt.. CRAZY. signs were all pointing to that day for me..
And the Band delivered.. I think it was like fourth song, first set, i hear the drums that start the song and turn immediately to Jeff who starts just smiling for me.. then i turn back to Cal and Ben who are freaking out for me and pointing to me saying, it's all you girl...What fun...
So we all came away from the weekend in Denver totally satisfied.. But that wasn't all for me and jeff. So, monday i stayed home from work and got the house cleaned and some of my clothes washed and packed. We had a friend come over monday night who would stay for the time were gone and take care of the dogs. The next morning we got up really early and hit the road. Kansas City is about 10 hours, and we had a show to go to that night, so we got up really early and started driving. only a few stops, one to get gas one to get some lunch and one to tinkle, and we were in KC and got to the room.
Everything was good. The first night the show was GREAT!! I mean stacked with songs that i love and songs that they have not played in a while etc.. so the set lists were amazing. and after spending three days in the sun and stairs hell that is Red Rocks (think 9,000 instantly sold out seats, with them all being General Admission, so everyone wants to be down front- read: battle to get a spot..)
so to be in an indoor beautiful theater with only 2700 people was great.
Day two we wake up and it is POURING. I mean being in Colorado for the last 9 years (I know, i can't believe it either) i have not seen rain like this in a long time.. so anyway. it passed about noon and we went to the art museum in KC. who knew they had a great one, that was also FREE.. so why not.. we saw a Monet and a Manet. (tippy, tippy day, day- if you watch Seinfeld)
So anyway, we went there and got some culture in. OK, so the coolest thing ever is that there is an artist that did an instillation at the museum that is four shuttlecocks... that's right the badminton birdie... good for you!!!! And they are about 15 feet tall, one is standing on what would be the rubber part, another one is standing on thee of the five feathers so you can stand under it.. (yeah, i did and got my picture taken). They were so cool!!!
by the time we got back to our room, it was getting cloudy again and we were starving. we got some chinese take out and by the time we were done eating it was pouting again..
We had to drive to the show that night because it was soooo raining.. well the highlight of the second night in KC was the friggen ROOF CAVED IN. and i wish that was an exaderation, but seriously, over the band on stage, they start getting poured on cats and friggen dogs coming down they, of course stopped the set, while we waited for people to fix the roof. it took about 40 minutes and the band was back on stage and played the whole night still. nothing shortened for the problems.. it was good for me, but bad for Jeff. As the night before we were back in our room at like 10:45. the curfew was 10:30 at the theater... so Jeff had planned to leave the hotel and start driving toward MI (to another panic show and a huge music festival) that night.. well we didn't get out of the theater until like 12:30, so that put him way behind schedule.
Thursday I got a flight out to denver for less than renting a car, so i took the flight and came home.
I have much needed some quiet time and that's exactly what i got this weekend. On Saturday i drove up Guennella Pass and then down and then back up Mount Evans and then back home.. it was a long day, but it's nice to get up top and breathe some mountain air.. getting to 14,000 feet is therapeutic.
Sunday I didn't do much, but floated in my pool, and did some laundry..
needless to say, I feel much better after a week off, and am ready to enter my life again...
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