Wednesday, May 21, 2008
day 5
ok, that's all i am saying about that... because, well it's just weird to talk about with your mom and dad.. so, end of that discussion until there is a little + or :) on the pee stick. not sure which kind we got.
on to better topics, Gyoza is doing great and OH MY GOD her breath will not stop a truck anymore. Her teeth look great and they are going to stay that way. Her heal has a ton of stitches that will come out in about two weeks. We put a bandage around it last night, but she doesn't seem to want to mess with it much. But it looks good where the lump is no more. like a regular ankle again.
We should be getting some results back from the lab to see exactly what it was, but for now we are celebrating that it is gone. She is on the same kind of pain meds that Watson is on, so they are laying around the house, all drugged up, together today. I am going to take a drive home at lunch and see how they are doing, but i am expecting them to be just fine.
Now, i need to make a confession. I have been trying to get by without anyone really knowing the extent of this, but i just can't hide it anymore. I have an addiction. At this time, i don't really want help, and i know that is the first step. So, cancel any plans of an intervention, because i am not interested in getting help. So, here it goes.
I am addicted to the Sims game. I got the game about a week ago now and i can't get it out of my head. I am dreaming about the game, i am thinking about the game all the time.
At first, I was just smitten with it. Played for about 30 minutes and didn't get too far in. The next day i thought i would just try one more time, just to see what happens, well i got hooked. They are right, you can get addicted the first time you try it.
And at first i was able to not really worry about it much, but now i find that i will turn on the game machine even before feeding my own dogs. Two nights ago, i left Watson outside for over 4 hours because i forgot about it, playing my game.
I am sorry to all those that care about me and i will try to get better, but maybe not right now, I have to get one woman to go to work regularly, i have a guy that needs to make whoo-hoo with another sim and then that's not to mention the guy that needs to make his girlfriend come back to life and serve him a meal, gain creativity and mechanical life points and then i can get a better job so i can afford the group screaming bonfire that makes everyone happy. so, you can see i can not leave these people without the guidance. very important.
But in the game you have to prioritize what you need to do and when, so i am finding that when Jeff finally gets my attention and forces me to turn to game off (just because i will sit and play all night - i have even forgotten to eat sometimes) that I start listing what i need to do, like ok, i need to pee, eat, change clothes and go to bed... like i am a game character. and yes, i am even calling it whoo-hoo at home too..
(the picture is the surf wave pool i have at one of my houses, pretty cool huh?)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
the girlie is doing well
after a long walk at lunch, watson is now asleep under my desk and snoring.. very funny to hear, but he is a good dog.
I can get gyoza a little later this afternoon. she will be groggy and have a lampshade on because the vet told me that she chewed through her catheter tube before surgery. She is a chewy dog, that's for sure.
and she said that the teeth cleaning went really well. She is sending the mass to the lab to be diagnosed.
that's the latest.. thanks for all your thoughts for my girlie..
dog day at work.
I am glad that watson is comfortable and is just chillin at my feet...
what a good boy he is.
I will post some pic of the girlie when she gets home this evening. I am sure she will be wearing her lampshade (we call it her princess crown when she is around) and i am sure it will be funny looking. last time she was very embarrassed to be seen with it on, so she always got a funny look on her face when she had to wear it. But she wont be able to lick her wound, so i am sure she will have one. maybe we'll bedazzle it. :)
more updates as the day goes on. I am just a worried mom. :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
so, it's just us....
just playing.
so let's see, where did I leave off? Last week was SOOOO much better for work. totally away from the creepy cell mate and have now moved up to cubical world. But, to be completely honest, I love my cube, (it's really a rectangle, but who's counting?)
I was talking to Whitney about it and telling her that i really liked small spaces, so i don't mind cube life at all. And then she reminded me that that is probably why i liked to sleep in the closet and rest in my 'fort' that was under the coffee table.. loved it!!!
so, i need some decoration or a plant or something that can live in low to no outdoor light. but for now, i love it.
so, that made the week go by pretty smoothly. Thursday we went to venue called the Bluebird for a "virtual concert. Basically last year at the String Cheese Incident concerts at red rocks were the last for the band "for the unforeseeable future" (the band wasnt people to think they didn't break up.. so the explanation)
so, they filmed the last two shows and put them together as one long 3 hour movie of the shows. They use the sound system in the venue, so it sounded pretty good. The movie was good, all music, which is what we wanted. but not too many crowd shots. BUT, when we were about to leave, at the end, a friend came up to me and asked it i saw myself. which i didn't but he said that it was a big picture of me and was totally me.. too bad i didn't see it, as like i said there wasn't many crowd shots, so i would be happy to know i made it in. :) Too bad they are not selling it as a DVD, or i would get it, I mean I'm in, why not... but they may release it after it makes it's way across the country.. (actually i think the movie tour is almost over, so maybe sooner than later.. ) exciting.
Friday i went to the vet, watson is doining awesome on his new pain meds and is running and sometimes even jumping for the ball.. not bad for a 9 year old dog with bad hips.
Gyoza on the other hand is having some issues. I think she has a kidney infection, her pee smells so bad) and so we got some antibiotics and i think she is getting a little better.. (pee didn't smell so bad this morning) and she got a lump in her ankle tested and it has some cancer cells so it needs to be taken out. Tuesday's is my vets surgery days, so we are going in on tuesday to have it removed. She also has some really bad teeth, so they are going to clean them while she is out and since there is like at least one that is loose, they will probably end up pulling it. poor girl, getting old...but it will be all good when it is over.. i am just glad to know that the lump will come out. that makes me feel better.
I just asked around my new office space and they are all ok with me bringing in watson to keep me company tomorrow. I think we will both want to be near each other.
Saturday, we just did a whole bunch of nothing. I got a new Sims video game, Sims 2, so i played that all weekend.. (can't wait to get home today and play too) and jeff helped me with some of the cheats and just basically knowing what to do.
Then sunday we did some cleaning around the house, invited a friend to go to the museum with us and did that.. it is an impressionists exhibit that is ending next week, so we wanted to see it one more time before it goes. That was fun. saw some other art and came home. Then jeff and our friend,(jeff) worked on our sprinkler system and i mowed the back yard. what great exercise. But we weren't sure if we had enough gas to get the whole yard done (as it is kinda big) but like i told jeff (and can now say on here because it's private) that it reminded me of the Jewish people and their lamp oil, didn't think we had enough and it lasted though the whole time..
hehehe.. but i did it all, no good designs as i was just trying to get done before we ran out of gas, so designs will start with the next mowing.
gives me time to decide what to do.
So, the rockies won another... oh this is funny, because we are loosing so much, we won two in a row this weekend and the sports casters were actually calling it a streak. come one, i think you need to sting together more than two wins. but we are still going through pitchers like last weeks underwear. and no one can stick it but a few. Tulo is still on the injured list and now Holiday had a sprained back. great..
I have been seeing that the Indians were doing well until the mets (who have not won but like a couple games) beat them.. sorry....
and i saw a highlight of another unassisted triple play, first one since Tulo did his last year.
Very excited for our vacation day next week.. I think an extra day off is going to rock... and for those of you counting, yes, it will be PERFECT timing, if you know what i mean!!!
we were browsing around the Big lots the other day and decided to hit up the goodwill type store next door.. I ended up at the book section and found a "what to expect...." and a few others.. as i was just looking around, jeff found me and showed me a book he had picked up "child birth without fear" well we ended up getting them both, and a baby signing book (as we want to teach the baby to sign when they can) and there was something else.. can't remember.. but i have to say that you can't tell that we are anxious. count down has begun and there is only about 4 beers left in the fridge....:)
Oh yeah, we also went to the grocery finally.. been a while, so it is fun to have a third grade lunch today. (pb&j, chips, fruit cup and choc pudding (sugar free) :)
I hope i can get some playground time too.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
to my faithful readers
But again, thanks for reading.
Until snack time.
i leave you with....
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tuesday's Snack
So, no snack.
Tuesday in snow
So it feels like the calendar went back a few months today. The high is about 35, and it has been raining and snowing all day. Compared to yesterday & sunday, I think all the Moms in Colorado should be glad they got the day they did. And to be honest yesterday, I just couldn't do it, work I mean. I just could not handle a whole day in this small office area with my cell mate. I had a pretty emotional weekend and I just had no energy to come in and play nice. So, I played hooky instead.
And today i got a reward. I GET TO MOVE OFFICES!!! Yeah.. It is a smaller place, with actual cubical walls and other people sitting close, but it is SO MUCH BETTER than where i currently am. MUCH BETTER. but with my luck, there is always a delay. ALWAYS. So, since today is raining, i have to wait until tomorrow to move, because i have to move tape decks and a computer and a monitor to another building, so i will wait. one. more. day. OH and another thing, I will be able to bring my dog to work with me, everyday!!! SO EXCITED ABOUT THAT. He is my security blanket and it will be great having him with me all day and I know he will feel the same.
So, what was the deal this weekend you ask?? Well again, to be honest, and that's really the only way i know(not a good lier at all)- I don't do well with change. even self induced change. Just doesn't suit my way of "just riding the wave until i am forced to change" lifestyle. So, i kinda freaked out. I am starting to get cramps, which is a few (yeah like 5) days early, which means we are closer to the "start trying date" and knowing us, i don't think we are going to have any issues. so frankly, i am about change a lot of stuff and I freaked. Just sooner than planned and I am not a "surprises" kind of a girl-hence the planned pregnancy. Yes even five days is enough to throw me for a loop.
I had to take a LONG walk with my dog and kinda get the tears out and get myself together again.. turned into a longer walk than planned, but i felt better by the time I got back and feeling my boyfriends excitement and confidence is kind of contagious. So, dealing... I don't know about how well, but it will be better by the time it needs to be.
Enough baby talk...
SURVIVOR!!! oh my god, did you see it.. I am really psyched that Parvity won. She made all the best moves and came up with all the great ideas.. (convincing Eric to give up the Immunity necklace- dumbest play ever) but it worked and she won.. I am really happy about that. Although I do think that Amanda deserved to be at the end, I think she played by riding coat tales (ozzy's and Parvity's) and that kind of play doesn't really deserve 1 million bucks. Kicking three boys and a girls off by a blindside four times in a row, that deserves 1 million bucks for sure.
Big Brother starts this July (the 13th for those keeping score). mark your calendars now.
Thats really about all i have to share. We went out sunday night and saw a band, but other than that, we did a lot of being home this past weekend. Got some stuff planted (that is freezing as we speak) and got some housework accomplished. Not to mention some Denny's pancakes on sunday. Yesterday I slept a lot, played some games on the internet and did some laundry. My boyfriend was going to come home early and have some lunch with me, but he didn't get home until 1:30, then we had to go take a picture of a burned house for the newspaper. Apparently this guy was working on his antique corvette or something and it backfired and actually caught the garage on fire, but it quickly spread to the main part of the house and boy, when we saw it yesterday, i was a sad sight. Oh and I made some stuffed peppers in the slow cooker this weekend. They were (are) good. Had them for leftovers yesterday too..
Ok, here's your fix.
Sorry that was for me... Here's your's
Today is Worminator Day, marking the birth of Dennis Rodman in
Today is National Apple Pie Day. (OH yeah I am all over this one)
Today is Table Knife Appreciation Day. Cardinal Richelieu invented the utensil on this date in 1639. (I will use it on my apple pie and hit tow birds with one stone)
Today is Mary Wells Day, marking the birth on this day in 1943 of Motown's first big star. Her biggest hits were "You Beat Me to the Punch," "Two Lovers," and "My Guy." She died in 1992 at age 49.
1973: Tennis male chauvinist Bobby Riggs defeated
1975: The King of Western Swing, Bob Wills, died in
1982: Comedian Jerry Seinfeld made his first appearance with TV's David Letterman.
1985: Rocker Bruce Springsteen married model Julianne Phillip. She filed for divorce in 1988.
1991: A study released by the
1995: Thieves in
1997: Police in
2003: A thousand-pound bear wandered out of the woods near a police station in
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Friday's snack
Holy Smokes. I forgot...
So I had a doc appointment yesterday morning and that threw everything out of wack. My appointment was at 9:45. Of course I had a little break down yesterday morning. See, I have mentioned that my boyfriend and I have decided that we want to get pregnant. This is a huge decision for both of us as we have both been single (well within our committed relationship) and fancy free, me for 35 years and him for 39. You tend to get used to things you do for so many years, hence why we are not married... (but that's for a different day... ANYWHOOO)
So, we decide this a few months ago, plan when we want to start trying and went about our merry lives as if nothing has happened. Now, here we are VERY CLOSE to the trying time.
Flashback about a year and that movie Knocked Up comes out. All our friends say it is cute, we should see it, whatever. My boyfriend isn't really into the girlie flicks, as most guys, so we never see it. No biggie. Two nights ago, he comes home with a free video rental from one of those McDonalds video rental kiosks. I think great, I like movies and especially when they are free. He got Knocked Up. I thought it was a cute gesture, so we put it in. It's cute up till it gets well, for this chick, a little too real. I mean i was in college and moving around the country when my sister was pregnant all three times. I was not even in the state each time her kids were born. I have some girl friends, but not friends that are that close and i have some aquantiences that have been pregnant, but running into them every five months, doesn't give you an insight to what the heck is going on.. So, by the end of the movie, i was in tears, and told my boyfriend, before storming off to bed, that if he wanted a child, he could have it himself and I was out of this deal.
Needless to say the next morning I was completely freaked out. I mean there are certain things i know, like i know it is going to be painful, I am not afraid of that. I am not scared of being uncomfortable, I am not even really afraid of the birth, I will wait until later for that to freak me the hell out, but for now, my fear is that I am going to just get CRAZY!!! I really don't want to be a crazy irrational woman, I just really don't. (shut up, I know what you are thinking and No I AM NOT!!) there, that should convince you~
When i went to my doc yesterday, her exact words were "What were you thinking?" I said I didn't pick it out, She said What was he thinking??? I don't know the answer to that.
Then she said, don't watch it again, and you will be fine. To be honest, that's all i needed to know. She said that many women have said they were scared off by that movie. Glad I am not alone, but my question is, is that the first sign of going crazy??? Oh Crap am I already there?????
Anyway, when I got to work, it was so late and I was so confused that by the time snack time came around I didn't realize it until 2:30 and well, you know the routine around here, that's way to late to get a snack and yeah, they were all gone.. Nothing even on the table to let me know what it even was. I hate when that shit happens.
I am really ready to not have to come to work for a few days. It is Friday and I am excited, just want to get home and forget that I have to work for a living.
Now, for those of you at home that are keeping my score cards:
Rockies won again yesterday....
And the Widespread Panic score is that we got all our tickets that we needed done before general onsale, So we got 2 fridays, 3 saturdays, 2 sundays.. then we have monday off and we head to KC for Tuesday and Wednesday.. this is all for June 27,28,29 July 2,3....
Going to be a good run...
Here's the other stuff.
Today is Lost Sock Memorial Day.
Today is Root Canal Appreciation Day. (friggen Ouch appreciating day, I don’t know anyone that says thank you right after a root canal)
Today is Donate a Day's Wages to Charity Day. (Sorry, I donated to the fuel companies this week, that’s a full day’s wage for me, none left over to help with. Maybe the oil companies can donate a day’s wages.. you think?)
Today is National Nightshift Workers Day.
Today is National Butterscotch Brownie Day. (WOW!!!)
Today is Vast Wasteland Day, the day in 1961 when Federal Communications Commission Chairman Newton Minow challenged network TV executives to sit through an entire day of their own programming. Minow suggested they would observe a "vast wasteland."
Today is Pipsqueak Appreciation Day, a time to honor pipsqueaks everywhere.
Today is Victory Day in
1974: Three
1984: In
1987: Tom Cruise and Mimi Rogers were married.
1990: Irish singer Sinead O'Connor refused to appear on "Saturday Night Live" after chauvinist comedian Andrew Dice Clay was named as host.
1991: The Congregational Church in
1999: A truck carrying 20-million bees in 450 hives overturned in
2000: The owner of a small Dutch tobacco shop won $4.1 million in the lottery by mistake. Having accidentally printed up more tickets than he could sell, he was forced, by law, to buy the remainder himself. One of the extra tickets was a big winner.
2002: In
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Oh yeah, it's wednesday.
And it's a good thing. I seem to have gotten up in a better mood this morning. Must have something to do with NOT having to get gas this morning.
So, Panic Red rocks pre-sale happened this morning. How did we do you ask?? Well we got two for saturday night and that was it. We still need friday night, and sunday afternoon tickets and then one more for Saturday for a friends birthday. There is another pre-sale tomorrow though the local radio station, so i will try again there for tickets before main on sale on Saturday. Yesterday my boyfriend called and asked what we should do for the Kansas City Shows and that there were tickets on pre-sale on Panic's site yesterday. I thought they would last a while, so I said not to worry about it and we would just get them when i got home. Well then common sense kicked in and I started trying for tickets. We got two for the Tuesday night show, but the wednesday night show was already out of pre-sales. Those are going to be gotten on Saturday as well.. this is the cycle of the music fan. Buy tickets, wait, see show, get back from shows, buy tickets again, wait again....Welcome to my world.
That's it, just laying low today...
here's what you really came here for...
The Great American Grump Out is today. Smilemania asks
Today is National School Nurse Day.
Today is National Roast Leg of Lamb Day.
Today is Mother Ocean Day, a time to celebrate the wonder of the ocean.
Today is National Nuzzling Day.
Today is Experience the Awesome Stomach-Churning Wonder of a Thrill Ride Day.
Today is Day of the Soldier in
1985: The first pig racing season began in
1986: Joan Rivers began a late-night TV talk show on the Fox Network. It flopped.
1991: A bandit tried to hold up a
1998: The parent company of Mercedes-Benz agreed to buy Chrysler Corporation for more than $37 billion.
1998: A
2000: Mike Hennessy of West Springrfield,
than 5,800 jumps in his life, and spent 46 hours free-falling. But he had never done more than 19 jumps in a single day.
2002: Triple Crown winner "Seattle Slew" died at age 28. It was 25 years to the day after his victory in the Kentucky Derby.
2003: A man wanted for trafficking and possession of cocaine was arrested when his parole officer spotted him kissing his girlfriend in a live crowd shot displayed on the scoreboard at a Cincinnati Reds game. The suspect and his parole officer attended the same game when the smooching couple were caught by the "Kiss Cam" at
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Very unhappy with this administration
Did you guys see this on the news last night?
This light bulb has been lit and working for over 100 years. Crazy!! It has it's own webcam that you can watch the light bulb. Guiness has given it a Worlds Record.
too cool.
Can't wait to see what happened in NC and IN. Might make this a less interesting race, which would be great for the party overall. The Dems need to back one person and start really backing them to get this big race started and over run McCain. I'm just sayin.
So they told us last night on the news that when the remarkably smart, caring and do-gooder-type George Bush the latest took office a barrel of crude oil was $36.00. YUP!! friggen $36.00 now it's $120. I mean I don't understand how you could seriously want to be president when you obviously only are looking out for you and your pocket book, at the rest of the countries experience. I mean i would take a guess to say that most of the Bush's friends, (if they have any..) are not feeling this pinch.. Something tells me that they are actually doing OK right now. Unlike the rest of us. I am starting to have to choose between food and gas now. And i am a full time employee with an OK salary, and I can't pay for gas, what are all these other people doing that make less than I do. There are not many, but some must... We are FUCKED. I mean really fucked.. and i can't see anyone standing up and wanting to make this better for us. I see Bush rolling in his vault of cash, sharing some with his friends this weekend at an event that i am SURE costs more than I make in a year!!!! No joke.. He doesn't care one inch about us and what we are going through. I really am tired of rolling over and paying $50 in my gas tank to get to work to make money just to put in the car again. Getting really old...
I truly think it is all the high fructose corn syrup that we feed the Americans in everything they put their hands on. I mean we are the only country that uses this foul substance and we are the fattest, see a relation??? I honestly think that the government has been wanting us to get fat so they can take our rights, civil liberties and now all our money.. and KNOW that we are too tired, lazy, selfish, self righteous and now poor, to do anything about it, and you know what, I look around, even out here in Colorado and think, they were right and they got us right where they want us..
And no one cares.. That sucks!!!
And that's not even mentioning the fact that some people still think that it's not their responsibility to recycle or renew or reuse.. Again, too lazy, tired or just don't understand what it does. Thanks to the "scientists" that are on the Republican payroll, that are still saying Global Warming is a farce.. Is loosing the glaciers a farce? Are seeing the floods, cyclones, hurricanes increase in strength a farce? Come on people put down the coke can and little Debbie, open your eyes and think for yourselves. Patriot Act my ass... We are losing our country that it was founded for. Freedom, Equal Rights... That's the US i want to be a part of. I mean if the Republicans win one more time, then it is so obvious that the "fix is in:" I mean they are already re-certifying the electronic machines out here. We all know they were not fixed, but just re-certified now that another election has to be scammed.
What are you going to use your "Stimulus Check" for? I hope everyone uses it for bills and credit cards debts. Just don't, what ever you do, spend it at Wal-mart, Target or K-mart, unless you KNOW you are buying a "MADE IN USA" products only.. But i would rather see you use it at the local farmers market or mom and pop store. Just think wisely when you show bush what you (the voice of America) wants to support. Be wise. It's our country and I think we need to take it back.
I hate the American President and policies rant is over.. here's your trivia...
Today is National Nurses Day and the beginning of Nurses Week, sponsored by the American Nurses Association (800-274-4262).
Today is National Teacher Day, part of Teacher Appreciation Week
Today is Childhood Depression Awareness Day.
Today is No Diet Day, a day to stop dieting and stop dangerous weight-loss attempts, sponsored by the Healthy Weight Network.
Today is National Scrapbook Day.
Today is National Crepe Suzette Day.
Today is No Homework Day, a day for teachers to not assign homework
1973: In
1990: Dominic Cuzzacrea ran the 26.2-mile
1994: The flight crew of an Aeroflot jetliner with no hydraulic fluid landed their 55 passengers safely in
1997: A swarm of killer bees attacked a horse-drawn cart, killing the horse and seriously injuring the three passengers near
2002 Legendary songwriter Otis Blackwell died of a heart attack in
2003A speedy bandit blazed through
Monday, May 05, 2008
This past weekend et al...
First of all, let me say Happy Cinco de Mayo. And it is my girl dog's birthday. She is 10. very sad that she is that old. but she is going great and running everyday, so i think she will be kicking for a while longer. Maybe she will get a bone tonight. Have to think about that.
This past weekend was just ok. Friday night we did deliveries of the music magazine we pass out around Denver. We got almost all the way done when we ran out of magazines that were in the car. So we just went home and watched some tv and headed to bed. The next morning my boyfriend suckered me into going to this park where they were supposed to be having a duck race (you know where you buy a rubber duck and they float them down a water source to the end of the course for a winner) well i say they were supposed to be having, because we got there and it ended up not being held on saturday and was scheduled for sunday but my boyfriend got the day wrong. He was covering it for his paper, we were not just going to go. So, that was a bust. We did, however get to two comic book stores because Saturday was Free Comic Book Day. Some comics had actual free books made for that day. We went to one and they had a sign that said "one per customer". There were a few that i wanted, because either the art work or just to have (like Archie and Simpsons). So we went to another store. I took a few just my boyfriend took so long looking around that the owner (typical comic book store owner) started watching us. Very strange.. So he asked what we picked and I had to show him that i had about 6 in my hand. The guy kinda made a face, but i just smiled at him and said thanks when we walked out the door. My boyfriend laughed at me all the way home. WHAT?? there wasn't a sign, i wanted them all. I only took from the larger piles, meaning that people were not picking them up.. so, i took a few more than a couple.. so what.. I am never going back to the store again, (until next Free Comic Book day), so, who cares??
So, sunday i refused to go back to the duck thing, so i stayed home and got some laundry done, watched some baseball (surprise) and cleaned a little. ok, not much, but a little.
It was a weekend that i didn't take a shower all weekend and as a Hippie with a day job, it's nice not to shower every now and again.
On a music note, Nine Inch Nails is doing it again. Trent Reznor said today that since so many people liked the fact of dowloading the last album, that they are giving another way The Slip is the name and they are giving download codes for free.. I know it is happening today, but i don't know for how long. So, get your NIN downloads. I just hope it is better than the last one.. I'm just sayin.
So, here's my new want.. I know it's a little strange, but i want a backyard composter. I want worms and i want to feed them table ad cooking scraps. I really do. I have wanted one for a while, but i saw this show that was showing how you can have one in an apartment. I took a look on line and there are a few that i really like. My boyfriend says we can't have one until we know where we are living in a year etc. so we are not moving a full composter across the country. I know he knows best, but i really want one.. You don't put poopie in it, just garden stuff and vegi scraps.. and newspaper, and cardboard, and best of all WORMS!!!!
And here are some things to take your mind off my composter:
Today is Cinco de Mayo in the
Today is Totally Chipotle Day, a day to herald a popular new flavor in the
Today is National Boo Boo Day, a day to call someone "Boo Boo."
Today is National Chocolate Custard Day.
Today is Cartoonists Day, a day to honor all cartoonists, funny ones, poignant ones, and even the editorial cartoonists we don't agree with. Thanks for making us laugh and think.
Today is Children's Day in both
Today is Patriot's Victory Day in
National Wildflower Week begins today
Astronomy Week begins today.
1978: Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds registered his 3,000th major league hit.
1982: Singer Vince Gill and wife Janis named their newborn daughter Jenny.
1988: Anatomist Randall Susman reported that a South African archeological discovery shows ancient non-human creatures may have made and used tools.
1991: Yasuyuki Kudoh did a record nonstop wheelie on his motorcycle covering 205.7 miles at
1996: LeAnn Rimes’ first single "Blue" entered the Billboard music charts.
1999: A man who admitted making thousands of obscene phone calls over a 3-year-period was arrested in
1999: Garth Brooks was named artist of the decade at the annual
2000: The world's first cloned mouse, Cumulina, died of old age at 2 years, 7 months.
2002: Movie producer Michael Todd Jr. died in
2002: A drunk teenager walked away virtually unscathed after a train ran over him when he collapsed on a railway line in
2004: Picasso's 1905 painting "Boy with a Pipe" sold for $104 million at Sotheby's in
Friday, May 02, 2008
Keep it coming, love; keep it coming love
don't stop it no,
don't stop it now,
don't stop it no...
So, can you name that band? I can, just because i saw them last night in concert.
It is KC and the Sunshine band. My boyfriend got some free passes to this fund raiser (tickets were $250 each!) in Denver. It was held at the Filmore and I have to say, it is the best i have ever seen the venue look. They had all these large banquet type tables on the dance floor. Everything was day glow orage, green, red. Very retro 70's set up. There was AMAZING food (free) like prime rib cuts, Chicken a la king, with large biscuits to shovel it over. Lobster mac and cheese. Yeah, not kidding. was great.. And they had a silient auction. Most things were going for like $900 or $1,000. WOW!!!
And they had an open bar too.. My boyfriend and I didn't really need to go out again, after the art reception at the start of the week, Roger Waters wednesday night and then having these music magazines to deliver, but I have no idea if i would ever be able to see KC and the Sunshine band again.. and free food, open bar. why not. We (hopfully) will not be able to take advantage of an open bar too much longer, well i wont be able to, so why not get it all in now. Make sure i wont be missing anything.
So, they played everything you would want to hear. Shake, shake, shake.... Shake, shake, shake.... shake your bootie, shake your bootie..
But i have these tunes running though my head all day today though.. n hangover, just KC running crazy.
On the local baseball front. My boy Tulowitzski is out and on the DL for a few weeks, they said yesterday on the news, up to two months.. that sucks BIG TIME.
We have been trading some pitching around so maybe we can get our line up right and get back the good team we ended the season with. Who knows.
Panic announced summer dates, so now we know when they will be at Red Rocks. It is at the end of June. And then they are doing two shows in Kansas City, so I think we are going to try to get to those. Seems we wont be taking a summer music trip this year because of gas prices and everything, so this will have to do it.
Sorry for missing the snack update yesterday. To be honest, I didn't even know it was 2pm and then when i did go to check out what was offered, they were all gone and the table was empty, so i have no idea what was for snack. I will try to do a better job.
That's about it for me.. Ready for the weekend, after a few hours of delivering.
OH did anyone catch the HUGE move on Survivor? The hidden immunity idol was actually played. That has never happened. In fact, just this season, two people were voted off, back to back, all while holding the immunity idol, but never played it. Voted off holding the immunity idol has got to suck, but Amanda pulled it out yesterday and saved herself from going home when Alexsis was the next one with votes and she went bye-bye.. Great move, best survivor game play ever!!!
Ok, now here's your daily dose of things you didn't need to know, compliments of me..
Today is National Rowdy Friends Day, a time to check up on your old rowdy friends to see if they’re okay.
Today is No Pants Day. It's okay to wear something, just not pants (, a way of telling world, "Hey, saggy pants aren't so bad."
Today is National Baby’s Day, a day to celebrate babies as blessings from God. (Babies Day is observed on the birth date of Dr. Benjamin Spock.)
Today is National Truffles Day.
Today is King James Day, marking publication on this date in 1611 of the King James version of The Bible.
The 2-day annual Barbed Wire Swap begins today in LaCrosse, Kansas, and Toad Suck Daze begin in Conway, Arkansas.
1988: A sinkhole in Sebring, Florida, opened to 200 feet wide and swallowed a house.
1989: A mall security guard in Simi Valley, California, followed a mysterious window shopper who obviously was wearing false hair and a moustache and ratty-looking clothes. Turned out to be singer Michael Jackson.
1990: A mugger in London’s financial district attacked a money-broker’s messenger and escaped with $484.7-million worth of treasury notes. The worldwide financial network, however, prevented the thief from cashing in any of the loot.
1991: Mike Lehtonen and Juhani Saramies left Nokia, Finland, in history’s longest taxicab ride. They took a 15-day, 14,414-mile trip to Spain and back with the meter running. It cost $16,000. No word on the tip.
1997: 44-year-old Tony Blair became Britain’s youngest prime minister in 185 years.
1999: In Hudson, Ontario, police reported an attempted burglary where a parrot apparently ran off the intruder. Police surmise that the suspect knocked over the cage and freed the bird. They found the parrot loose and blood drops on the furniture and carpet around the house. Nothing was missing.
2000: Jockey Julie Krone became the first female elected to thoroughbred racing's hall of fame.
2001: A 77-year-old man who admitted holding up three banks to pay for dates with his 79-year-old girlfriend was sentenced to three years in federal prison. The defendant said he couldn't believe he did it.
2007: Iowa spent $6,000 to change the locks at one of its state prisons after someone paid $12 on e-Bay for a set of keys belonging to a guard who retired in the 1970s. The warden said he did not know if any of the old keys actually opened any of the locks in the 135-year-old prison -- but he was not sure they didn't. The prison housed a number of violent criminals.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
One long week, a few short nights
Softball was canceled due to weather for tonight, and to be honest I couldn't be happier... I really didn't want to play at all today.
We went to see Roger Waters last night and really all i can say is WOW!!! I mean if you are like me and figured that you had missed your chance to see any live Pink Floyd (not playing covers) and had resined to be ok with it, last night was a dream come true. There are so many times and events in my life that seemed to be connected to a lot of Pink Floyd and to be able to hear those sounds coming from a composer and writer of the tunes, is truly a once in a lifetime chance. Unless you see the show multiple times, which we are not. It is hard to describe, so i wont.. but i can just say it was great, exactly what you would have wanted and then some..
I am on my second day of Qdoba. I don't know why but the chicken quesidilla was so good yesterday i had to go back today and get another, and today's is just as good. I love that place.
Alright, this is about all the energy i can muster... here are some other things to read. I will be back in full blogging mode soon, I am sure.. Hang in there.
May may have been named for Maia, the Roman goddess of fertility and growth. Or the month may have been named to honor the Mairoes, the Roman Senate. (wow, then we might have better luck than originally thought)
May birthstone: the emerald. May's flower: lily of the valley or hawthorn.
May is National Barbecue Month, Clean Air Month, Allergy/Asthma Awareness Month, Arthritis Month, Family Wellness Month, Heal the Children Month, Get Caught Reading Month, National Mental Health Month, National Hamburger Month, Egg Month, Hamburger Month, Fitness and Sports Month, Moving Month, National Bike Month, Motorcycle Safety Month, Women’s Health Care Month, Victorious Woman Month, Older Americans Month, Teen Self-Esteem Month, Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month, Haitian Heritage Month, Jewish American Heritage Month, Vinegar Month, Salad Month, Salsa Month, and Smile Month. (that’s a lot to celebrate this month)
Today is May Day, originally a festival in honor of Flora, the Roman goddess of spring, May Day has traditionally been a time to gather flowers and welcome warm weather. In the late 1800s, May Day also became a day to honor workers.
Today is Experience Spokane Day. (Saw Cheese in Spokane, nice city, great show)
Today is Labor Day in 140 nations. Bermuda, Canada, and the U.S. are the only nations that observe Labor Day in September. The Bahamas celebrates in June.
Today is Stepmothers Day, a day to honor stepmothers who care. (well good, the stipulation of “who care” counts me out of having to celebrate this.. Thank God!!!)
Today is also Law Day, Loyalty Day, Lei Day, School Principals' Day, Mother Goose Day, Day of Prayer, Day of Reasoning, and Save the Rhino Day.
1973: A cat named Gros Minou fell 20 stories from a Montreal apartment building, landed on her feet, and survived.
1979: The Academy of Country Music named Loretta Lynn its Artist of the Decade.
1991: Charles Osborne of Anthon, Iowa, died at age 97. Though living a normal life, he had hiccuped continuously every few seconds for 69 years.
1991: As a Texas Ranger against Toronto, Nolan Ryan pitched his seventh career no-hitter. He struck out 16.
1992: On the third day of the Los Angeles riots, beaten motorist Rodney King appeared in public to appeal for calm. King asked, "Can we all get along?"
1999: "The Paintings of Paul McCartney" opened in Siegen, Germany. The exhibit of 70 paintings included McCartney's representation of a young David Bowie entitled "Bowie Spewing."
2002: A Christchurch, New Zealand, man received a phone call from police saying there were armed officers surrounding his house. The 33-year-old was told to walk out with his arms in the air and no weapons. When he got outside there was no one there and he went back in. A police negotiator still on the phone then realized he had the wrong telephone number.
2003: President Bush, speaking to the nation from the deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln off the Southern California coast, declared major combat in Iraq over, but also said "difficult work" remained ahead.
2005: Thai fishermen caught a 646-pound catfish, the world's largest freshwater fish ever recorded. The 8.9 feet Mekong giant catfish was netted by villagers in Chiang Khong in northern Thailand, and weighed by Thai fisheries department officials.