ok, that's all i am saying about that... because, well it's just weird to talk about with your mom and dad.. so, end of that discussion until there is a little + or :) on the pee stick. not sure which kind we got.
on to better topics, Gyoza is doing great and OH MY GOD her breath will not stop a truck anymore. Her teeth look great and they are going to stay that way. Her heal has a ton of stitches that will come out in about two weeks. We put a bandage around it last night, but she doesn't seem to want to mess with it much. But it looks good where the lump is no more. like a regular ankle again.
We should be getting some results back from the lab to see exactly what it was, but for now we are celebrating that it is gone. She is on the same kind of pain meds that Watson is on, so they are laying around the house, all drugged up, together today. I am going to take a drive home at lunch and see how they are doing, but i am expecting them to be just fine.
Now, i need to make a confession. I have been trying to get by without anyone really knowing the extent of this, but i just can't hide it anymore. I have an addiction. At this time, i don't really want help, and i know that is the first step. So, cancel any plans of an intervention, because i am not interested in getting help. So, here it goes.
I am addicted to the Sims game. I got the game about a week ago now and i can't get it out of my hea

At first, I was just smitten with it. Played for about 30 minutes and didn't get too far in. The next day i thought i would just try one more time, just to see what happens, well i got hooked. They are right, you can get addicted the first time you try it.
And at first i was able to not really worry about it much, but now i find that i will turn on the game machine even before feeding my own dogs. Two nights ago, i left Watson outside for over 4 hours because i forgot about it, playing my game.
I am sorry to all those that care about me and i will try to get better, but maybe not right now, I have to get one woman to go to work regularly, i have a guy that needs to make whoo-hoo with another sim and then that's not to mention the guy that needs to make his girlfriend come back to life and serve him a meal, gain creativity and mechanical life points and then i can get a better job so i can afford the group screaming bonfire that makes everyone happy. so, you can see i can not leave these people without the guidance. very important.
But in the game you have to prioritize what you need to do and when, so i am finding that when Jeff finally gets my attention and forces me to turn to game off (just because i will sit and play all night - i have even forgotten to eat sometimes) that I start listing what i need to do, like ok, i need to pee, eat, change clothes and go to bed... like i am a game character. and yes, i am even calling it whoo-hoo at home too..
(the picture is the surf wave pool i have at one of my houses, pretty cool huh?)