Monday, June 09, 2008

Weekend whereabouts

So, it was a full weekend for us, which as you know, can be unusual these days.
Saturday we tried to get Madonna tickets but had no luck, so we loaded up the car with Zalea and Watson and headed to our friend's place up top. We wanted to go one a hike to check out the rivers running big. So we get to the trail head and quickly realize that Zalea can't really do much.. Her hips were a lot worse off than either of us knew.. She wasn't 100 yards into the hike before she had to start sitting and resting in snow banks and cold river water.. Poor girlie.. so we went a little ways to some small waterfalls and rested there.. needless to say we didn't get much of a walk in. We are going to go back in a few weeks when the flowers are all in bloom, and probably with only Watson.. the young whipper snapper at 9 years old.

So, that was kind of a bust. we ended skipping the baseball game too and just went to see the band saturday night. they were ok, Just over the line from noise, but you can tell they have some potential.. just need to grow and develop as a band some more..
So....Sunday mid-morning, early afternoon we went to an "Art in the Square" but it was actually called something like Arte de la Pizza.. (well it was in Italian, i did the best i could.. and i love pizza) anyway, it was chalk drawings on the street. some were really great and others. not so much.. I will ost some photos I took when i get home from work today. We had a huge lunch and came home for a bit. Than ran some errands and watched some tv...
Oh and then there was one more thing.. and i can't even tell you how excited i was.. Jeff came to me the other day and asked if i would go with him to an event sunday night. I usually know what is coming and the events tend to be ok.. Some better than others. But he said that i would love this one and handed me a flyer.. The first thing i noticed is that i says Ice Cream Social and outdoor movie.. well that sounds like fun, and most of the time means free popcorn too, seeing that i have to stay away from the ice cream.. Then i get to the movie title and about scream it out.. THE GOONIES... That's right.. on a big screen and everything.. So when the time comes last night to go, i got up and ready in no time... we were there for about an hour, jeff got the shots he needs and we are just waiting for the movie. I really don't need to see it, but i wanted to see the first few minutes on a big screen.. So we wait and wait and wait.. then they say that they are afraid it was getting too late and they would just start the movie but you wouldn't be able to see anything on the screen for the FIRST 15 MINUTES... i was so disappointed.. we just left as you could hear the audio and no picture.. :( how sad...

Garden is growing, I mowed the lawn yesterday.. I call it "Lawn Mowed Two Ways" because this time i did one half up and down stripes and the other half cross-ways stripes.. and we have been watching a lot of cooking shows, so lawn mowed two ways seems very appropriate.

So, that's about it.. We will know, hopefully, around thursday, if there is anything to celebrate.. or if we are going to try, try again... so keep praying, keep all fingers and toes crossed and talk with anyone you know in heaven that might have some pull....
Jeff is going out of town the end part of the next "perfect timing" phase, so if we did it right the first time, that would be ideal...
OK.. Have a great monday.. check back this evening for some photos from the weekend.
can't wait to hear about all the pool parties that went down back east this past weekend..

1 comment:

Whitney said...

They say thank you!!! So has your Sims guy been kissing anyone lately???

I can't wait to see pics of the chalk drawings.

Too bad about the movie it would have been super fun!!