Well the boys in purple took an old fashioned beating as Todd Helton so elequantly put it after the game last night. That was painful to watch and really hard to keep hearing the announcers who are clearly from the East Coast and want Boston to win. All of their commentary was directed toward to Bloody Hose. But we will show them what Colorado is all about.
To be honest I am ok with the game last night. There was no way we could keep on winning and I am glad we got Beck(KKKKKKK)et out of the way. Now we can take it to the other pitchers they have coming. Jimenez will be pitching for us tonight and I think he can do a good job. Poor Frances. It must be really hard to only be 26, starting in your first World Series and you know that everything is riding on your shoulders.. Lots of pressure.
I was thinking last night while watching our other pitchers warming up that it has to suck to play that field for them. In our park, the bullpen and warm up area are right next to a nice fountain and some pretty pine trees etc. In Boston they had a cop stading there to keep people out. It is so Urban. I am looking forward to our boys being back home and in their park. That green monster SUCKS!!!
still working on tickets but watch for me on TV at game 3. (hey that rhymes)
My firend that has an awesome seat 10 rows behond home plate said that he would let me sit in his seat for an inning on Saturday if i get in.. I AM GOING TO GET IN!!!!
wish me luck and send good vibes to the ticket scalpers.
Not to mention with this loose, the ticket prices might fall dramatically.
Keep the Faith!!!
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