That is if you live in Westminster.. where ever that is.. I know we have one here in Colorado and My grandparents used to live in a town called Westminster when they lived in Maryland, but something tells me neither of these places are the infamous Westminster that the Kennel Club has their annual dog show.
When i was younger and lived with my father, this was his favorite event on television. I mean he would throw large Super bowl parties and have my uncle and aunt from Pennsylvania down for Formula One races, but I don't think anything beat the Kennel Club Dog Show for my dad. We would tape it all day (in the days before tivo we actually had to use these devices called VCRs - practicing for the off spring that will know nothing before cell phone video and HD) and then that night he would make dinner and we would set our places in front of the TV in the living room on TV trays (the only time we didn't have that meal on the table in the kitchen) and watch the VCR recording of the Dog show.
He would always get excited for the working class dogs because he loved his German Shepard we have when i was growing up and for the rest of his life he wanted another Golden retriever. I guess this is where my love affair for the kennel club and large dogs originates. I have had two rottweilers, Gyoza and Watson, for about 10 and 8 years now(respectively). They have been my children and I love them like that.
Tonight I will be tuning in to the Kennel Club and thinking of my dad.. (I am sure he will be in the seat next to me telling me which one he thinks is going to take the big bone.)
On other news (but still of the TV variety) BIG BROTHER starts tonight.. I am more than excited.. I mean it really was the only reason to get out of bed this morning was to come to work to make the day go by fast to get home and watch the premier episode for the season. Apparently they have matched up the house guests as "soul mates" and they have to play the game as a pair. That would suck if you actually didn't get along with your "soul mate". Well i will fill you in tomorrow on all the happenings on CBS show. (9 EST, 6PST, and as Brian Williams says on the NBC nightly news - you people in the middle know the drill) so that means that show time is at 7pm here!!! Gotta get my butt to the gym and home again in time to watch..
So, my sister challenged me and i had to say yes. The challenge is that we both get at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday of lent (that started last week) So i have been keeping up on my 30 minutes until yesterday. I just didn't have it in me. So this morning i confessed my lent sin to my sister and she said that she didn't do her 30 minutes yesterday either. That means that i HAVE to do it today. We told each other that since we missed yesterday we are going to bump it up to 45 tonight..
So, watch out gym, here i come for my 45 minutes jaunt on the treadmill. Swimming will be for tomorrow.
Have a wonderful Big Brother night!!!!

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