wow, as my grandfather would say, today's a bute...
the sun is shinning the birds are singing, ok they were geese honking as they flew over head, but you know what i mean. At least i could get out for n]lunch and have myself a walk. Very nice (in my best Borat voice)
The temps are expected to continue to climb and reach the culmination on saturday with a high near 70. Just in time for March 1. The weather man that i watch every morning was saying yesterday that we have gotten exactly half the snow this winter so far than last. And thank God for that. We were saying that if we lived in Silverton (look it up if you don't know where it is.. good geography lesson) that we would have given up shoveling by now and just been trapped in our house. They are getting snow storms that are dumping feet upon feet of snow on them. No Thanks!!!
But this weather lets you know that it is almost over and you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sunday we are supposed to get snow again.. yuck.
email issues are subsiding and i woke this morning to 92 emails that came in over night. I still changed my email address. It was time and a good reason.
I read my horoscope today and it said i was to have a five star day. I have not had a five star day in about three weeks. I guess something came out of retrograde or something moved into one of my houses. God i hope they pay rent, i could use more income.
Well that;s about it.. sorry to be so boring, but i have sat here thinking of something to rant about but am coming up blank. Check back after 2pm MST to get the snack update.
now get back to work!
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