Well this was a short week for me because i spent a lot of it in bed or on the sofa. I am back at work and feeling better, but the weird thing is that i have no voice.
Yesterday i was taking a nap, resting on the sofa around dinner time. My boyfriend called me in the kitchen to get my plate for dinner. When i tried to respond i sounded like an 80 year old man.. Very low voice.. as the night went on, it kept coming in and out. Seemed the longer between words the more it would take to get the first few words out.
This morning, more of the same.
As i sit here at work, I don't tend to talk much because of the work that i do. Mostly i have headphones on and watching a monitor and typing, so not a lot of interaction going on with others. So, when i do try to say something nothing is coming out.
very silly end to a cold... But i am sure it will be back and it will probably give my boyfriend a much needed break from hearing my voice.
Have a great, silent weekend.
I will be working on some more videos this weekend. so check them out on my youtube page. If you didn't see my Vegoose video, check it out there.. just search for barefoot303 and there I will be. (hey that rhymed)
ok, off to feel better... Sorry for no snack updates all week. We will be back in full swing next week.
1 comment:
No fair it is warmer where you live than where I do. Your weather girl says 57 mine says 46!
Love ya!
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