Friday, February 29, 2008
what are we supposed to leap?

Everyone has been looking at me strange all day and i can't figure it out. Why isn't everyone leaping over things today? I figure everyone else are able to get their leaping in in the privacy of their own homes.
So, we were having a discussion the other night about leap day and we hear that women are supposed to propose marriage to their men on this day. I said it reminded me of the Sadie Hawkins dances we have in Middle school. My boyfriend looked at me like i was crazy. I guess they don't have Sadie Hawkins days where he grew up.
Remove your hand from the mouse.. I will answer all your questions right now and the answer is NO, I am not going to propose to my boyfriend today.. That is his job and he knows it. I am not the one to overstep my boundaries. And i have a feeling he will ask me when our child says it's ok (we are not even pregnant right now)
So rest easy, you will know if it ever happens but i can tell you for sure it will not be easy.
This weekend is delivery weekend, again. We have to deliver the music magazines that we do each month. So the only thing it means to me is that i get a good lunch or dinner out of it. That is my payment for helping my boyfriend get this side job done.
but i want to get it all done before saturday which is going to be in the upper 60's to lower 70's. Very exciting.. I love this time of year. It can be wonderfully warm one day and snowing the nest. exactly what is called for this weekend. nice saturday, snowing sunday.
I have no motivation to be here today. The only thing that was making me excited for work was where we were ordering from today. I really wanted a fried chicken tossed salad. but when i got here I looked over the menu and looked again, and can't find what i want. They don't even have that offered anymore... how sad.. And now i am here and with out lunch. My weekend might start at lunchtime. what do you think??? well since no one ever leaves me comments, I have to make my own mind up. That was easy.. see you next week..
(or check back for video updates if it snows sunday :)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunny Days, sweeping the clouds away
wow, as my grandfather would say, today's a bute...
the sun is shinning the birds are singing, ok they were geese honking as they flew over head, but you know what i mean. At least i could get out for n]lunch and have myself a walk. Very nice (in my best Borat voice)
The temps are expected to continue to climb and reach the culmination on saturday with a high near 70. Just in time for March 1. The weather man that i watch every morning was saying yesterday that we have gotten exactly half the snow this winter so far than last. And thank God for that. We were saying that if we lived in Silverton (look it up if you don't know where it is.. good geography lesson) that we would have given up shoveling by now and just been trapped in our house. They are getting snow storms that are dumping feet upon feet of snow on them. No Thanks!!!
But this weather lets you know that it is almost over and you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sunday we are supposed to get snow again.. yuck.
email issues are subsiding and i woke this morning to 92 emails that came in over night. I still changed my email address. It was time and a good reason.
I read my horoscope today and it said i was to have a five star day. I have not had a five star day in about three weeks. I guess something came out of retrograde or something moved into one of my houses. God i hope they pay rent, i could use more income.
Well that;s about it.. sorry to be so boring, but i have sat here thinking of something to rant about but am coming up blank. Check back after 2pm MST to get the snack update.
now get back to work!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Email issues.

So, for no reason, out of the blue my email stops receiveing mail. All day i have not gotten one piece of email. (and I know what you are thinking and yes i do have friends i talk to on email oftn, so that's not why i didn't get any email today.)
something is wrong and I have not officially given up on hotmail and moving on to bigger and better email servers. I hope. But email issues suck. On a happy note, a co-worker on mine put more memory in my work computer and it is working so much better.. so that is good.
Today's snack was cream puffs..
no thanks..
That's about it.. long day.. long week... ready to do nothing all weekend.
But i gotta get though the next two days.
Big Brother update- glad the chick with the annoying voice is gone.. she is crazy, and she can't live on slop, so she's gotta go.
OK.. more tomorrow..
have a great Wednesday.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Summer Festival season
Well it is that time again. Time to decide what to spend our hard earned money on.. where in the country to travel and what bands to see. There are so many festivals in the summer and my boyfriend and I have been to a bunch. Bonaroo, Wakarusa, 10,000 Lakes, High Sierra and they are all great and very different in their own rights. This year, though the decision was made easy when the new kid on the block showed his little head with announcing act like Dave Mathews (not a big fan, but ok), WIDESPREAD PANIC, 311 (cool), Phil & friends (again, ok), PRIMUS (Meaning Friggen Les Claypool!!!!), Thievery Corporation, SN DOUBLEo DoubleP Do doubleG (that's right), Modest Mouse (ok, why not) and the Profit walking on Earth Michael Frante and Spearhead, Gov't Mule (meaning i will hear Soul Shine this year), STS9, the Biscuits. Well that is only a few... the list keeps going and doesn't really drop off in talent like a lot of festival line ups do. You know after the two headliners they are all second rate bands with no ties to them. well this is different. and not only are they giving us this great line up, they have a really great platform also.
Well the official name is Rothbury: a sustainable music festival celebrating music, art, and action. You can buy a "green ticket" that is an extra three dollars to help off set your carbon emissions for ticket printing. There are other ways they are helping the environment for this large scale event. Very exciting...
I suggest you check out the webste for more info: www.
Buanother of the great things about this festival is that it is located on Lake Michigan really close to a town where i lived for a while with an ex before moving to Colorado. I am very excited to be able to go back to MI and see some old friends that i have not seen since moving away in 1999. But we don't have tickets yet (early bird tickets go on sale tomorrow). We are not sure if we are going to spring for it or not. I would want to camp VIP, so it is a bit more spendy. I did just get my tax refund back, but i need to repay my boyfriend for my plane ticket to Chicago in April for my birthday and panic shows. Not to mention hotel in Chi town too.. ouch!!
And for those keeping score, i am feeling MUCH better thank you for asking. Just little cough left, but that's deal-able.
Oh and snack time was the six cracker packets of peanut butter crackers, or cheese on wheat or lemon cookies or chocolate cookies or shortbread cookies, etc. I got a package of lemon cookies and brought them home to my boyfriend.
OMG~ gotta go, Big Brother is about to start!!!!
I love the fainting drama :)
Oh and you can click to the right side and check out any of my videos on my youtube channel. Check out the Vegoose festival montage. I am working on something more substantial, and it gets a little cut at the end, but it is a fun little ditty..
be looking for more from 10,000 lakes 2006.
Well the official name is Rothbury: a sustainable music festival celebrating music, art, and action. You can buy a "green ticket" that is an extra three dollars to help off set your carbon emissions for ticket printing. There are other ways they are helping the environment for this large scale event. Very exciting...
I suggest you check out the webste for more info: www.
Buanother of the great things about this festival is that it is located on Lake Michigan really close to a town where i lived for a while with an ex before moving to Colorado. I am very excited to be able to go back to MI and see some old friends that i have not seen since moving away in 1999. But we don't have tickets yet (early bird tickets go on sale tomorrow). We are not sure if we are going to spring for it or not. I would want to camp VIP, so it is a bit more spendy. I did just get my tax refund back, but i need to repay my boyfriend for my plane ticket to Chicago in April for my birthday and panic shows. Not to mention hotel in Chi town too.. ouch!!
And for those keeping score, i am feeling MUCH better thank you for asking. Just little cough left, but that's deal-able.
Oh and snack time was the six cracker packets of peanut butter crackers, or cheese on wheat or lemon cookies or chocolate cookies or shortbread cookies, etc. I got a package of lemon cookies and brought them home to my boyfriend.
OMG~ gotta go, Big Brother is about to start!!!!
I love the fainting drama :)
Oh and you can click to the right side and check out any of my videos on my youtube channel. Check out the Vegoose festival montage. I am working on something more substantial, and it gets a little cut at the end, but it is a fun little ditty..
be looking for more from 10,000 lakes 2006.
Monday, February 25, 2008
His name is George....
OK, I will stop..
But he is a cutie. I think they get to get him in a few weeks.. How CUTE.
(I am just glad it is them and not me.... and i live 2,000 miles away. Thats about how far puppy poop smell can travel. so i am safe from that... But i will miss the awesome stage of puppy breath. Only last a little while, but it is soo cute,, But then it turns just as stinky..
Friday, February 22, 2008
Friday again

Well this was a short week for me because i spent a lot of it in bed or on the sofa. I am back at work and feeling better, but the weird thing is that i have no voice.
Yesterday i was taking a nap, resting on the sofa around dinner time. My boyfriend called me in the kitchen to get my plate for dinner. When i tried to respond i sounded like an 80 year old man.. Very low voice.. as the night went on, it kept coming in and out. Seemed the longer between words the more it would take to get the first few words out.
This morning, more of the same.
As i sit here at work, I don't tend to talk much because of the work that i do. Mostly i have headphones on and watching a monitor and typing, so not a lot of interaction going on with others. So, when i do try to say something nothing is coming out.
very silly end to a cold... But i am sure it will be back and it will probably give my boyfriend a much needed break from hearing my voice.
Have a great, silent weekend.
I will be working on some more videos this weekend. so check them out on my youtube page. If you didn't see my Vegoose video, check it out there.. just search for barefoot303 and there I will be. (hey that rhymed)
ok, off to feel better... Sorry for no snack updates all week. We will be back in full swing next week.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Sick Days
Monday, February 18, 2008
President's day
Hello and happy President's day. I wonder if you get to pick and choose what presidents you want to honor today?? anyway.. I am home, not working and it is wonderful. Saturday i made a crock pot full of a wonderful jambalaya and we had a friend over for dinner. That was good. Then Sunday we went to get some breakfast and then it was back home for chores and some hanging out. I got a few more strips done for my blanket. So, it is almost done. I have about six more strips to make. We had leftover jambalaya so no cooking last night.. But then I started not feeling really wel, just more tired then i felt i should. Now i am here at home on a vacation day and i have a scratchy throat, feel warm and have NO energy at all.. :(
what a way to spend a perfectly good hookie day.
I am trying to work on some editing stuff i wanted to get done and i just don't feel well at all. I think i might go take a nap soon.
Sorry to not be that entertaining today.. just feel like crap. Hope it isn't one of the millions of flu strands that i didn't get a shot for. ugh.
have a great president's day.
what a way to spend a perfectly good hookie day.
I am trying to work on some editing stuff i wanted to get done and i just don't feel well at all. I think i might go take a nap soon.
Sorry to not be that entertaining today.. just feel like crap. Hope it isn't one of the millions of flu strands that i didn't get a shot for. ugh.
have a great president's day.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Because I'm a survivor....
Was that a little obvious?? i will try harder next week.. But that's right, tonight is Survivor thursday. Rounding out the week just right after two nights of Big Brother.
I was shocked at the eviction ceremony. I really though the older woman that keeps bitching was going to go. Boy her ass got saved for reals!!! Now she has to stop bitching and start looking at the experience positively or she is next to go, (we can only hope)
So there was some major events that went down at the big brother house last night.
***SPOILER ALERT*** stop reading here if you don't want the gossip...
So i guess the dark haired gay guy was asked to go to the diary room and then (wait for it...) he didn't come back. Apparently the blonder guy was called in next and was told that he had to pick another partner from the two that were evicted just hours before. He picked the girl of the couple that was evicted and she came back.. CRAZY!!! i can't wait to hear what happened with the other guy. some are saying it was a family situation.. who knows.. maybe he didn't come out to someone and they were going to kill him??? don't know but i, personally, am glad that the girl is back. She didn't deserve to go and I think everyone knew that and wanted her to stay and her boy to go.. and in the end, that's what happened.. Now we have to wait until sunday to see what spin they are going to put on this to explain the guys untimely leaving.
So, yesterday was the best snack ever... ICE CREAM SANDWICHES
I had one, of course. Today is fruit cups.
Happy V day.. it's not a big holiday in my house.. ok it's not a holiday at all. It used to be my grandparent anniversary, so it was easy to remember to call them, But they have both passed and this will be their first anniversary together in a while. I am glad for that.
Going to see Rodrigo Y Gabriela tonight at the filmore. You should google their name and check out some tunes. They are an amazing acoustic guitar duo. They play a lot of heavy metal on acoustic guitars.. AMAZING... well, check it out, I will be.
See you tomorrow.
(Snow update- we got two inches over night. It mostly has stopped and some of the black top is visable again.. it will be in the 50's again this weekend.- AHHH, Winter in Colorado)
I was shocked at the eviction ceremony. I really though the older woman that keeps bitching was going to go. Boy her ass got saved for reals!!! Now she has to stop bitching and start looking at the experience positively or she is next to go, (we can only hope)
So there was some major events that went down at the big brother house last night.
***SPOILER ALERT*** stop reading here if you don't want the gossip...
So i guess the dark haired gay guy was asked to go to the diary room and then (wait for it...) he didn't come back. Apparently the blonder guy was called in next and was told that he had to pick another partner from the two that were evicted just hours before. He picked the girl of the couple that was evicted and she came back.. CRAZY!!! i can't wait to hear what happened with the other guy. some are saying it was a family situation.. who knows.. maybe he didn't come out to someone and they were going to kill him??? don't know but i, personally, am glad that the girl is back. She didn't deserve to go and I think everyone knew that and wanted her to stay and her boy to go.. and in the end, that's what happened.. Now we have to wait until sunday to see what spin they are going to put on this to explain the guys untimely leaving.
So, yesterday was the best snack ever... ICE CREAM SANDWICHES
I had one, of course. Today is fruit cups.
Happy V day.. it's not a big holiday in my house.. ok it's not a holiday at all. It used to be my grandparent anniversary, so it was easy to remember to call them, But they have both passed and this will be their first anniversary together in a while. I am glad for that.
Going to see Rodrigo Y Gabriela tonight at the filmore. You should google their name and check out some tunes. They are an amazing acoustic guitar duo. They play a lot of heavy metal on acoustic guitars.. AMAZING... well, check it out, I will be.
See you tomorrow.
(Snow update- we got two inches over night. It mostly has stopped and some of the black top is visable again.. it will be in the 50's again this weekend.- AHHH, Winter in Colorado)
Rodrigo y Gabriela
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
And the WINNER is.....

The beagle!!! (funny i am eating a bagel, but i digress) This is the first win for the bread, and I think this is a great looking dog!!!
So, Big Brother was yesterday and guess what.. TONIGHT ALSO!!!! I like the new twist that they all are paired with their 'soul mates" but i feel sooo bad for the couple that was coming on the show to be a "hidden couple" playing together. But they weren't paired together. You could tell that the boyfriend of the couple was pretty upset that his girlie was going to be sleeping in some other dudes bed for three months, if they stay that long.
To be honest, I was happy to see an older woman come on the show to play, but then she immediately starting acting like a 12 year old. She got paired with a guy that she was not attracted to and started whining and pouting and talking bad about the guy with in seconds of meeting him. Doesn't show that more mature people can act that way. She is awful and I really hope that she gets voted out of the house tonight. I don't think that guy is the greatest myself, but i am sorry that he will have to get evicted with her. Too bad, try again next year.
This season the show will air on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. So it makes the work week that much more to look forward to, we will see. If it is a lame season, then it won't be that great. but i thought last season was good, and most didn't.. so don't take my opinion as yours.
That's about it for today. Oh, Snack yesterday was frozen fruit cups. (like a frozen slushy)
have a weird and wonderfully winer wednesday.
(we are going to be getting 4-7 inches tonight. but in the 50's today:)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The Barkers are back in town

That is if you live in Westminster.. where ever that is.. I know we have one here in Colorado and My grandparents used to live in a town called Westminster when they lived in Maryland, but something tells me neither of these places are the infamous Westminster that the Kennel Club has their annual dog show.
When i was younger and lived with my father, this was his favorite event on television. I mean he would throw large Super bowl parties and have my uncle and aunt from Pennsylvania down for Formula One races, but I don't think anything beat the Kennel Club Dog Show for my dad. We would tape it all day (in the days before tivo we actually had to use these devices called VCRs - practicing for the off spring that will know nothing before cell phone video and HD) and then that night he would make dinner and we would set our places in front of the TV in the living room on TV trays (the only time we didn't have that meal on the table in the kitchen) and watch the VCR recording of the Dog show.
He would always get excited for the working class dogs because he loved his German Shepard we have when i was growing up and for the rest of his life he wanted another Golden retriever. I guess this is where my love affair for the kennel club and large dogs originates. I have had two rottweilers, Gyoza and Watson, for about 10 and 8 years now(respectively). They have been my children and I love them like that.
Tonight I will be tuning in to the Kennel Club and thinking of my dad.. (I am sure he will be in the seat next to me telling me which one he thinks is going to take the big bone.)
On other news (but still of the TV variety) BIG BROTHER starts tonight.. I am more than excited.. I mean it really was the only reason to get out of bed this morning was to come to work to make the day go by fast to get home and watch the premier episode for the season. Apparently they have matched up the house guests as "soul mates" and they have to play the game as a pair. That would suck if you actually didn't get along with your "soul mate". Well i will fill you in tomorrow on all the happenings on CBS show. (9 EST, 6PST, and as Brian Williams says on the NBC nightly news - you people in the middle know the drill) so that means that show time is at 7pm here!!! Gotta get my butt to the gym and home again in time to watch..
So, my sister challenged me and i had to say yes. The challenge is that we both get at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday of lent (that started last week) So i have been keeping up on my 30 minutes until yesterday. I just didn't have it in me. So this morning i confessed my lent sin to my sister and she said that she didn't do her 30 minutes yesterday either. That means that i HAVE to do it today. We told each other that since we missed yesterday we are going to bump it up to 45 tonight..
So, watch out gym, here i come for my 45 minutes jaunt on the treadmill. Swimming will be for tomorrow.
Have a wonderful Big Brother night!!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008
Monday madness
Well It's official, i am not into mondays and I do not want to go to the gym. This past weekend was beautiful and we went for walks everyday. So nice to get out and walk around, but we were on a double mission. While walking we were also checking out houses in our area that might be for rent or sale. We are looking in both categories as to not rule something out just yet. But we are pretty sure we want to move this summer, when out lease is up. Are needs are slightly changing and we are looking for something with a basement and better insulation etc. WE are paying out of our nose for heat and we both freeze in our house, but can't afford to turn the heat up.. Bottom line, we want to move so the search is on.
Today's snack was individually wrapped bite size candies of Twix, snickers, 3 musketeers, and Milky way... I had one of each for the record. Everyone needs a chocolate pick me up on a monday.
Other than that, the sun is shining and I can't complain about that. I am ready for spring, I think mostly because i am ready for my trip to Chicago, seeing panic and enjoying my birthday weekend.
Speaking of birthdays, my mom's birthday is Wednesday!! i think she loves her birthday as much as i do. It's your day and no one can take that away from you.
Alright back to work.. see you all tomorrow. have a great night.. I know I will...
Oh and Who watched the Grammys? I am so in love with Amy Winehouse and soooo glad she raked in the awards. Her music deserves the recognition. I just hope that she can get her life straight and not turn into the Britney Spears of London.
Ok out for now
Today's snack was individually wrapped bite size candies of Twix, snickers, 3 musketeers, and Milky way... I had one of each for the record. Everyone needs a chocolate pick me up on a monday.
Other than that, the sun is shining and I can't complain about that. I am ready for spring, I think mostly because i am ready for my trip to Chicago, seeing panic and enjoying my birthday weekend.
Speaking of birthdays, my mom's birthday is Wednesday!! i think she loves her birthday as much as i do. It's your day and no one can take that away from you.
Alright back to work.. see you all tomorrow. have a great night.. I know I will...
Oh and Who watched the Grammys? I am so in love with Amy Winehouse and soooo glad she raked in the awards. Her music deserves the recognition. I just hope that she can get her life straight and not turn into the Britney Spears of London.
Ok out for now
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Sunday is here again.
It's sunday. Probable the best and worst day of the week. I love being able to sleep in, get chores done that didn't get done yesterday and have a nice big breakfast, but i also know that tomorrow brings the alarm clock and early morning showers. UGH!!
But I am going to make the best of it. We have temps getting into the mid to high 50s today, so I see a dog walk in my future.
But right now i am still working on my patch work blanket. I am making some progress so i will put up a picture soon of the blanket in the works.
have a great sunday.
But I am going to make the best of it. We have temps getting into the mid to high 50s today, so I see a dog walk in my future.
But right now i am still working on my patch work blanket. I am making some progress so i will put up a picture soon of the blanket in the works.
have a great sunday.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
We're getting there...
It is almost friday, but it is the day i have been looking forward to since the new -well if you can call it that this season- winter line up came out.. SURVIVOR starts tonight.. very exciting. When i saw this month come on the calendar i got excited for Survivor and Big Brother. BB starts next week.
Today's snack was scoop your own ice cream and apple pie.
I didn't have either.
I have changed up my workouts a bit, well a lot. I have moved on to swimming.. and i can't believe how much i missed floating on a regular basis. I mean being in Colorado, we don't get the opportunity to flat like when i was living in North Carolina. I grew up on a swim team and competed every year until i was in High School and started on land sports and really never went back into the pool except to play with my nieces and nephew at my mom's house. I have discovered it is just like riding a bike, once you learn, you can't unlearn. And i have noticed from a fitness website i frequent, that swimming can burn more calories than the treadmill. no kidding..
So, this afternoon, while it is freezing outside, i am going swimming.
I hope everyone has their Tivo programmed for survivor so we can talk about it tomorrow..
fans vs. favorites.. EXCITING...
Nothing else to report.. one more strip down for the blanket.. so, progress is being made. and still nothing on the calendar for this weekend... Trying hard to keep it that way.
have a good thursday. and here's something to think about...
Today's snack was scoop your own ice cream and apple pie.
I didn't have either.
I have changed up my workouts a bit, well a lot. I have moved on to swimming.. and i can't believe how much i missed floating on a regular basis. I mean being in Colorado, we don't get the opportunity to flat like when i was living in North Carolina. I grew up on a swim team and competed every year until i was in High School and started on land sports and really never went back into the pool except to play with my nieces and nephew at my mom's house. I have discovered it is just like riding a bike, once you learn, you can't unlearn. And i have noticed from a fitness website i frequent, that swimming can burn more calories than the treadmill. no kidding..
So, this afternoon, while it is freezing outside, i am going swimming.
I hope everyone has their Tivo programmed for survivor so we can talk about it tomorrow..
fans vs. favorites.. EXCITING...
Nothing else to report.. one more strip down for the blanket.. so, progress is being made. and still nothing on the calendar for this weekend... Trying hard to keep it that way.
have a good thursday. and here's something to think about...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
And since we've got no pace to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Only got about two to four inches last night but it makes for getting to work to be a nightmare. I mean we live in Colorado people. If you don't have 4x4 you will slide, it will be hard to get up hills and you will cause traffic back ups and maybe even crashes. What are you thinking driving your CRX in four inches of icy snow? Just doesn't make sense to me.. So, i stayed home for a bit, just took my time getting ready and didn't rush and found that it was better a little later, but still heavy on the side roads. I just came back from a lunch time drive to see the condition out there and most of the main streets are black again.. no worries getting home tonight.
Most people will be caucusing.. (weird, didn't think that was a word, but spell check didn't underline it) I am not. I would like to, but i am not registered in this city to vote right now. I just have never gotten around to it since I moved to Denver. So i think i will get my driver's license changed soon to be sure i can vote in November. I never voted before i was 25, and now i will vote every time i can. I just think, no matter what your beliefs are you should voice them and work to make this a growing nation. I have been very embarrassed to be an American for the last 8 years and I really hope i have the opportunity to be proud.
That's about all going on on this side of the keyboard.
I just thought that maybe i didn't put the last of the puzzle up here yet.. I will check on that tonight.. I am very sorry t have kept you waiting.
I have started a new project with my new sewing machine and it is going great. I have 10 strips for my patchwork blanket sew. I only have about 20+ left. I looked ahead at the weekend on the calendar and I am so excited to see NOTHING written on it. We have been going somewhere and doing something every weekend for a while and I am glad that we have one all at home. We need to do some picking up and general cleaning, but above that i want to get my blanket really underway. I am afraid that i am going to run out of pre-cut patches that i have made and then some strips will be completely different, but i guess thats what patchwork blankets are all about. I will post a picture of the strips later this week.
That's all for now. check back for snack updates.
(yesterday we had individually wrapped Rice Krispy Treats).
Most people will be caucusing.. (weird, didn't think that was a word, but spell check didn't underline it) I am not. I would like to, but i am not registered in this city to vote right now. I just have never gotten around to it since I moved to Denver. So i think i will get my driver's license changed soon to be sure i can vote in November. I never voted before i was 25, and now i will vote every time i can. I just think, no matter what your beliefs are you should voice them and work to make this a growing nation. I have been very embarrassed to be an American for the last 8 years and I really hope i have the opportunity to be proud.
That's about all going on on this side of the keyboard.
I just thought that maybe i didn't put the last of the puzzle up here yet.. I will check on that tonight.. I am very sorry t have kept you waiting.
I have started a new project with my new sewing machine and it is going great. I have 10 strips for my patchwork blanket sew. I only have about 20+ left. I looked ahead at the weekend on the calendar and I am so excited to see NOTHING written on it. We have been going somewhere and doing something every weekend for a while and I am glad that we have one all at home. We need to do some picking up and general cleaning, but above that i want to get my blanket really underway. I am afraid that i am going to run out of pre-cut patches that i have made and then some strips will be completely different, but i guess thats what patchwork blankets are all about. I will post a picture of the strips later this week.
That's all for now. check back for snack updates.
(yesterday we had individually wrapped Rice Krispy Treats).
Friday, February 01, 2008
Oh, kiss the mountain air we breathe
Good-bye it's time to fly.
Sparrow climb, the air is thinner,
Open wings cast this valley in the shade.

OK, I know i have used that one before, but seriously, can you blame me? it's a great song... But I am not only using those lyrics (to Surprise Valley by Widespread Panic) to celebrate my upcoming birthday shows that we got the last of the tickets we needed this morning. OR to use it because i am soo excited that we found this special deal on a room a the Affina Chicago Hotel. THEY HAVE A PILLOW MENU. No I am not kidding, you can pick what kind of pillow you want to sleep on. You can change it everyday if you want. I am going to start with the Buckwheat pillow and then maybe move on to the Swedish foam pillow, ending the weekend with a plush down pillow..:) I can't wait!!!!

But that is not the reason i was using this song and those lyrics. See last night my boyfriend and I were watching Celebrity Rehab on VH1. and after a commercial break, they came back to the show and the music they used was Surprise Vally by Widespread Panic. I looked at my boyfriend immediately and said "that's panic". We backed it up, turned it up and sure enough, i know my boys....
We were really enjoying watching the world series this past year (if you have been reading my blog for a while, then you may remember) not only because my team was playing but they would ALWAYS play panic going in and out of commercial breaks this past series. We even had friends that made World Series Set lists from the songs they played and at the end of what inning, too funny..
So, you never know where you are going to catch a tune to two.. keep your ears open.
I am glad it is Friday. I feel that i have to apologize for not updating everyday, but this was a complete no energy week and even less to say. so i didn't say much at all. Yesterday's snack was chocolate chip or M7M or sugar cookies. I didn't eat one and I even took Watson for a walk yesterday. getting exercise is good..
I'm out, have a great friday and weekend...
Sparrow climb, the air is thinner,
Open wings cast this valley in the shade.

OK, I know i have used that one before, but seriously, can you blame me? it's a great song... But I am not only using those lyrics (to Surprise Valley by Widespread Panic) to celebrate my upcoming birthday shows that we got the last of the tickets we needed this morning. OR to use it because i am soo excited that we found this special deal on a room a the Affina Chicago Hotel. THEY HAVE A PILLOW MENU. No I am not kidding, you can pick what kind of pillow you want to sleep on. You can change it everyday if you want. I am going to start with the Buckwheat pillow and then maybe move on to the Swedish foam pillow, ending the weekend with a plush down pillow..:) I can't wait!!!!

But that is not the reason i was using this song and those lyrics. See last night my boyfriend and I were watching Celebrity Rehab on VH1. and after a commercial break, they came back to the show and the music they used was Surprise Vally by Widespread Panic. I looked at my boyfriend immediately and said "that's panic". We backed it up, turned it up and sure enough, i know my boys....
We were really enjoying watching the world series this past year (if you have been reading my blog for a while, then you may remember) not only because my team was playing but they would ALWAYS play panic going in and out of commercial breaks this past series. We even had friends that made World Series Set lists from the songs they played and at the end of what inning, too funny..
So, you never know where you are going to catch a tune to two.. keep your ears open.
I am glad it is Friday. I feel that i have to apologize for not updating everyday, but this was a complete no energy week and even less to say. so i didn't say much at all. Yesterday's snack was chocolate chip or M7M or sugar cookies. I didn't eat one and I even took Watson for a walk yesterday. getting exercise is good..
I'm out, have a great friday and weekend...
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