I am looking forward to all the hoop-la and everything that will surround the convention. My guessing is that the strip clubs are going to be packed. It would be interesting to get shoot in a club now and then in the middle of the convention and see when it was fuller. My guess is going to be during the convention. But this is the most exciting political year i can remember. Very exciting to see the enthusiasm move across the country.
On a different note, I don't want to be one to spread any rumors but it seems that Johnny Castle may not be teaching many more latin dance moves to modest, shy jewish girls much longer.
Don't know who i am talking about? even after the quote in the headline??? well It seems the Patrick Swayze, according to the National Enquirer (i know, but they seem to break big celebrity stories as much as report crap) is dieing from cancer and only has 5 weeks to live. He is only 55. Very sad.. I was just talking about the sketch with Patrick Swayze and Chris Farley when they were trying out to be Chipendale's dancers on SNL.. Very funny sketch.
I do wish he and his family the best. Very sad... NO Body puts baby in the corner. Right now it is the number one search on Google. Hope they put some confirming words up soon. This is the same cancer that the guitarist in Widespread Panic dies from a few years back.. And he was younger than Patrick is now..
And on to happier items, Did everyone do something yesterday that they were procrastinating on? I went swimming. Now I have water in my ear still from last night. so, i maybe should have put that task off longer.
Today is Act Goofy Day, a day to do silly things just for the fun of it.
and my personal favorite day.. (should be a National Holiday if you ask me. I would love to see the Halmark card for this one..
Today is National Cheese Doodle Day.
It is also the birthday for two great friends. I have already called and sang Happy Birthday to them, But don't tell anyone, I don't want to have to pay royalties.
this is almost gross, but i had to add the photo...

1 comment:
They look like a bunch of little worms when you blow the picture up big but when it is small like you have it they look like maggots....I'm just sayin...
Too bad about Patrick Swayze. I will miss him and still watch Dirty Dancing..
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