Yup, that's about it. After spending the weekend in my sweats and slippers I am back to work. My horoscope says it is a three star day and I say i would agree with that.
The alarm scared the snot out of me this morning when it went off. I think my boyfriend jumped higher than I did because before i could scream 'Holy Crap Hugo Vasquez is in our bed and I don't know what he wants" My boyfriend was up and out of the door. We listen to the spanish channel to wake up to, even if they are telling you the news we can't understand it, so we just pretend it is all good.
Then after waiting for the shower, i get in, start to wash my hair and go to grab the shower head to reposition it to not spray directly into my face, the entire stem of the head busts and water then flies everywhere. At the same time i am trying to get the conditioner out of my eyes and trying to control the spraying from the stem that is going all over the bathroom, my boyfriend comes in and dumps water on me.. seemingly for no reason. When i explain the the shower head had just busted, he helps me repair it... it still doesn't work well for the rest of my shower, so i am sure my hair looks all flat and greasy from not getting all the conditioner out..
He then tells me that he had to pour water on my because my horoscope said for me not to be surprised if i get water thrown on me... but i am not sure that's exactly what it meant. no mind, i was all wet already..
Just not the best way to start the earlier-than-god-planned-for-me-to-get-up, Monday morning..
By the way, i thought this was interesting.. because Indiana has not participated in DLS (seriously?? you need me to spell it out... come on people... Day Light Savings..) until recently, a study was conducted to see how their energy bills fluctuated when they did convert to DLS and low and behold... we are spending MORE to go with DLS.. I knew it, and now with our brilliant President's plan to make it happen earlier, we are spending more.. I think he has a deal with the power companies AND the oil companies... Can't wait until 2009...
So, did you see my blanket??? do you like it? I can't wait to get the rest totally finished...I will show you the completed blanket. I hope i can get the rest done by next weekend.. I have some patches left over and I am not sure what to do with them. So if you have some crafty creative ideas of what to do with patches let me know.
The sausage and lentil soup was great, We froze a few bags and i have some for lunch too.
Big Brother was last night, and they are back to playing as individuals. That is ok, but it seems that all these people do is lie to each other. I wish someone would come into the game with a new game plan. It gets old when every nomination is meant to be a back door, or someone is a pawn. I want some new game play. But i am going to keep watching. be sure of that..
The live feed blog is fun, but i get too many spoilers that by the time i watch the CBS show, nothing is really a surprise, so i am weaning my way off that site.
Today is the start of my company softball team season. We are having a little practice this afternoon.. Hope i don't hit anyone in the kneecaps. (at least not on my team)
That's about it.
Here are all the things you wished you knew before i tell you..
~Today is national Blueberry popover day. ( i hate when people pop-over to my house, but if you come with blueberry- well, anything, i will let you in. (long enough to take your treats and kick you back on the front stoop)
- Today is national napping day. (like food, i don't think i need a day to celebrate this, i do it so well without the celebration. But i guess this is in support of napping at work. You mean not everyone does that- news to me)
- Today is Festival of Life in the Cracks day - Studies prove that over 80 percent of all people living on the planet in the last five decades believe life exists in the cracks. Some feel life slips through the cracks. Still, no matter how you slice it, there is a jamboree going on in those thin slivers and today’s the day you can join the fun. (ok whatever, it is a reason to party, then bring it on)
Q: The bladderwort eats baby fish. Is it: (a) a fish; (b) a plant; or (c) a reptile?
A: An underwater plant.
Now that you are smarter, go forth and have a great day..
1 comment:
LOL you are too too funny. Must be a three star day for you!!
I will have to try the Spanish channel one morning. At this point my hubby has an alarm on his side and I have mine and they go off together only about 30 seconds apart. So once you think you turned it off the other goes off and wakes you right back up again. Only problem is that they both wake me up but neither wakes up the man. He sleeps through them both and I have to kick him to turn his off.
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