I can admit it, I can own it. I really suck! so, we lost last night, and I am pretty sure it was my fault. I couldn't hit the strike zone to save my life. The ump was trying to get me to have my arch higher, but i just couldn't seem to get it into that zone. It has to arch at 6 to 12 feet, yeah well i was arching at like 3 or 25. you get nothing or nothing with me. I would say about every 8 pitches were hittable and i maybe got a strike in there somewhere... I don't think i actually walked a run in, but i sure did load up the bases pretty good once or twice.. (ok closer to like three times, but whose counting- besides everyone on my team..) UGH.. and to make matters worse, when we got there, we really didn't have a lot of time to warm up and streatch (read: drank beer and chatted until game time) so i didn't really get my body ready to play. we were first up to bat and when i got up, i hit the ball (yes i did, shut up) and i took off and felt something in my upper thigh on my right leg.. I ran it out, but didn't make it on the bag. since then my leg was killing me to even really walk on. Of course that was with in teh first 5 minutes of the game and i played the rest on a really hurt leg.. the last time at bat I hit the ball and my first base coach was yelling 'run it out', so i ran and kept running and i think i hurt it a little more that time.
But i did end up getting on base. (dreading that someone would make me run to second) but that was the end of the game, and we lost. Thanks to me, we lost. I don't even know the score, didn't ask... Probable safe to say i am not pitching anymore.. not a problem, i am over it and will play any other position.
Not to worry, I wasn't the only injury last night, a girl slid into third and scraped up her knee, and guy slid into third and hurt his knee.. and i think there were a few hurt fingers and stuff. It was just really cold and we got the brunt of it. end of softball chatter, I don't even want to think about it any more...
This weekend should be better, we are going to drown my sorrows and hurt leg by partaking of

I grew up on the East Coast and my grandparents (both) had river/summer homes on the Chesapeake Bay. Each summer we would go up and hang out at their places (coincendently the two families -mom and dad's- summer homes were two houses from each other.
Talk about killing two birds with one stone. visiting both grandparents and cousins etc in one trip.) ANYWAY~ we always had fresh blue crabs, shrimp and fish. Moving out of Colorado put a damper on how much fresh seafood you can get, and the casinos are one of the best places to get seafood.

It is also magazine delivery weekend.. UGH! I got a call that they were delivered this morning to our house, so that means we have to get this out to all the clubs, bars, tattoo shops, hair cutting places and the like, this weekend. I hate this chore and bitch about it every time we have to do it. But i do it. My payment from my boyfriend is usually a good meal. I bet he is going to bribe me with the buffet... I bet it..
I am exhausted and see this being another early friday. Might stick it out till 3, but i am betting on snack time departure today. Don't worry, i will stay to see what snack is, and then go.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and is safe. I might be working on some videos this weekend so stay tuned for some weekend content. who knows...
Here are some things to make you go hummmmmm.
Today is National Black Forest Cake Day. (Bring it on!!! I will be first to help celebrate this one.)
Today is Hot Tub Day. (hell yeah, I will take your donations)
Today is Hair Day. The controversial rock musical moved to Broadway on this date in 1968. Many felt the songs "Aquarius," "Hair," and "Let the Sunshine In" defined those who opposed the "Establishment" and the Vietnam War. (and why is that an issue… guess I wasn’t around in 1968 but I sure wish the kids would stand up like they did then, now…. We need some more people standing up to the government)
Today is Burpless Friday, a day to see how long you can go without burping. (ok, that’s not really a problem for me..)
Today is Teachers Day in the
Today is Weed Appreciation Day. Find a weed you think you could like. Think of it as a wildflower and see if that helps. (hhheee, snicker, snicker..)
SchmeckFest begins today in
And things that happened on this day since i have been born...
1973: Wilt Chamberlain retired from pro basketball. In 1,045 games during 14 years, he never fouled out of a game. (so he screwed more chicks than games he played)
1983: Fred Jipp was sentenced to 28 years in prison in
1984: In the middle of the night Robert Irsay moved the Baltimore Colts football team to
1986: More than 6,000 radio stations of all formats played "We Are the World" simultaneously at 10:15 a.m. EST. (my ears are bleeding just thinking of the tune, and I hope it is stuck in your head just like it is now in my head just from reading the stupid title)
1987: Maria von Trapp, whose life inspired the musical ''The Sound of Music,'' died at age 82.
1990: Officials in
1995: Singer Lyle Lovett and actress Julia Roberts announced they were separating after 21 months of marriage. (that was just a weird match up, but I love Lyle)
1997: Trees were planted throughout
1999: Venus Williams beat kid sister Serena 6-1, 4-6, 6-4 to win the Lipton Championships in the first all-sister women's final in 115 years.
2002: Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong's cornet was added to the National Museum of American History, one of the Smithsonian museums in
2003: A Briton called Eric Bush legally changed his name to protest the U.S.-led war in
2004: Sir Peter Ustinov, the actor who won Oscars for his roles in "Spartacus" and "Topkapi," died in
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