Hello all, well I trust those that celebrate Easter had a good one, and those that don't had a great weekend too. We don't celebrate much in our house. Being at the stage in life (I think i am stuck here) that we are so poor we can't afford to pay attention, we choose to celebrate most holidays on the day after. This way everything is on sale and we can actually afford to get some items for the holiday. So, this afternoon, after work, we are going easter candy shopping. I think we are also going to pick up a die kit. My boyfriend, for the last week or so, has been hollowing out egg. Every time we needed an egg for something he would blow the goo out the end and have hollow egg shells to die this year. It has taken almost 9 eggs to make 6 that worked. I am excited to do this and see how long they last. For the record, I am going to do some hard boiled ones myself... I love easter eggs, well i love hard boiled eggs and so if they are colored pretty it makes it all the more fun to eat.
Three years ago, pretty much to the date, my mom and I returned home from a WONDERFUL 2 weeks in Italy. We traveled to so many awesome places and so so many amazing sites. I cried when i first laid eyes on the real statue of David. Really an amazing trip. But why I remember it so well is that when we were in Rome, visiting St. Peter's Square, they were preparing it for the Easter Ceremony. There were chairs and banners and things being hung around. The morning after we arrived back home, we turned on the TV and there was the Pope giving the Easter Morning Mass on TV from St. Peter's Square. My mom and I just hugged and cried watching that wishing we were back in Italy. We really had a great trip. I very much look forward to taking a similar trip with my mom again but this time having my child along too. So when i got up yesterday and was flipping channels I came across the Mass in St. Peter's square. It looked a lot colder than the year I was there. In celebration of pur trip, yesterday i made a whole lasagna by myself... Really all by myself. And NO, the kitchen didn't catch on fire and i didn't mess up any of the steps and it turned out great. I am really proud. For the last few weekends i have been making a crock pot meal on sundays but this week, i got a taste for lasagna and all of a sudden i had committed and ready to go. This was the first time i had made a lasagna and i can imagine it wont be the last time. My boyfriend loved it AND he didn't have to cook or help at all... (total rarity in our house)
Something else i learned is that i completely SUCK at sewing triangles together to make squares. I can't get the stitch even and from end to end to save my life. I have to go back to making blocked quilt blocks until i get some more practice. But i am practicing. And i will master the little bastards. It made me so mad; every time I would try, something would screw up. I think i tried all of about 12 times before i got tired of ripping the seams and/or cutting new triangles. I am not going to let these little things win. I will practice and I will prevail.. damn triangles...
So, this is the start of three weeks till my birthday. Not this friday, not next friday, but the next.. Don't be caught off guard. Not that I am excited about my trip to Chicago or anything. I think it is going to be a great weekend and make for a memorable birthday and for my 35th, i think it should be memorable.
Guess i better get back to watching some tape. This time i am looking at a story that was done at the Lakota Badlands. (look it up- geography lesson) really neat scenery. Makes me want to visit this area too. Put it on my list of things to do sometime.
In the mean time, here are some things you can impress your friends with...
Today is See If You Can Remember How to Play Parcheesi Day. (I can’t even spell it much less know how to play)
Today Easter Monday, a holiday in many places, including
Today is Family Day in
Today is St. Gabriel’s Day, the feast day of Gabriel the
Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day. (mmmmm, chocolate, raisins, mmmmm)
Today is Independence Day in the
Egg Salad Week begins today, always the week after Easter. (I love me some egg salad)
1978: Near
1980: Capitol Records released "Sie Liebt Dich" and "Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand" by the Beatles, the previously unreleased versions in German of "She Loves You" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
1989: The Exxon Valdez hit a reef in the Gulf of Alaska (Prince William Sound), spilling 11-million gallons of crude oil in the largest oil tanker spill in
1990: Hairless Sinead O’Connor became the first Irish female to top the
1991: Some 100 cars were damaged by fire when dry grass ignited at a cook-off sponsored by the San Antonio Firefighters Association. No one was hurt. (seems a little obvious, doesn’t it?)
2001: A German man who persuaded a friend to tell his fiancee he had been arrested to cover up an affair was fined $700 for wasting police officers' time. The fiancee called police to find out where her man was and found he had not been arrested. Police feared he might have been kidnapped by gangsters disguised as police and called in the friend for questioning. The friend confessed the story was made up. (Stupid people make me laugh)
2002: At the Academy Awards,
2007: A man in
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