Cream puffs...
Little ditties about my life and other crap I feel like writing about.
Today is Buy Some New Socks Day. Go ahead, you’re worth it. (did that a few weeks ago at the outlets, but am wearing a new pair today..)
Today is Cesar Chavez Day. In 2000,
Chavez was born on March 31, 1927, in
Summer Time begins today in the
Today is National Clams on the Half Shell Day. (friggen yummy)
Today is National "She's Funny That Way" Day, a day to pay tribute to funny women by listing ways the women in our lives make us laugh (sponsored by Brenda Meridith of
And since my birthday is coming up, here are all the things that went on on this date, since i have been alive
1973: Loudon Wainright-the-3rd’s "Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road" peaked at #16 on Billboard’s Hot 100.
1974: Three Miami Dolphins, Larry Csonka, Jim Kiick, and Paul Warfield, signed with the World Football League’s Toronto Northmen, which soon became the Memphis Southmen. The World League folded within two years and still owes all three players money.
1985: "The Love Boat" celebrated its 200th TV episode by honoring its 1,000th guest star, Lana Turner.
1989: "Wrestlemania-5," pitting Hulk Hogan against Macho Man Savage, became the largest pay-per-view program in cable TV history. (I watched it)
1995: The 23-year-old Tejano star Selena Quintanilla-Perez was shot and killed at a
1998: God did not appear live at 10:00 a.m. on Channel 18 as predicted by a Tawanese UFO cult in
1999: During a promotional ride of a new roller coaster at the
2001: In
2005: Terri Schiavo, a 41-year-old
Today is National Black Forest Cake Day. (Bring it on!!! I will be first to help celebrate this one.)
Today is Hot Tub Day. (hell yeah, I will take your donations)
Today is Hair Day. The controversial rock musical moved to Broadway on this date in 1968. Many felt the songs "Aquarius," "Hair," and "Let the Sunshine In" defined those who opposed the "Establishment" and the Vietnam War. (and why is that an issue… guess I wasn’t around in 1968 but I sure wish the kids would stand up like they did then, now…. We need some more people standing up to the government)
Today is Burpless Friday, a day to see how long you can go without burping. (ok, that’s not really a problem for me..)
Today is Teachers Day in the
Today is Weed Appreciation Day. Find a weed you think you could like. Think of it as a wildflower and see if that helps. (hhheee, snicker, snicker..)
SchmeckFest begins today in
And things that happened on this day since i have been born...
1973: Wilt Chamberlain retired from pro basketball. In 1,045 games during 14 years, he never fouled out of a game. (so he screwed more chicks than games he played)
1983: Fred Jipp was sentenced to 28 years in prison in
1984: In the middle of the night Robert Irsay moved the Baltimore Colts football team to
1986: More than 6,000 radio stations of all formats played "We Are the World" simultaneously at 10:15 a.m. EST. (my ears are bleeding just thinking of the tune, and I hope it is stuck in your head just like it is now in my head just from reading the stupid title)
1987: Maria von Trapp, whose life inspired the musical ''The Sound of Music,'' died at age 82.
1990: Officials in
1995: Singer Lyle Lovett and actress Julia Roberts announced they were separating after 21 months of marriage. (that was just a weird match up, but I love Lyle)
1997: Trees were planted throughout
1999: Venus Williams beat kid sister Serena 6-1, 4-6, 6-4 to win the Lipton Championships in the first all-sister women's final in 115 years.
2002: Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong's cornet was added to the National Museum of American History, one of the Smithsonian museums in
2003: A Briton called Eric Bush legally changed his name to protest the U.S.-led war in
2004: Sir Peter Ustinov, the actor who won Oscars for his roles in "Spartacus" and "Topkapi," died in
Those who encountered the black man Tuesday said he engaged in erratic behavior, including pointing at random people in the crowd and desperately saying he needs their help, going up to complete strangers and hugging them, and angrily claiming that he is not looking for just a little bit of change, but rather a great deal of change, and that he wants it "right now."
"I'll be honest, when that black guy said he would 'stop at nothing' to get change, it kind of scared me," local mechanic Phil Nighbert said. "Just leave me alone."
Though many were taken aback by the black man's brazen demands, some, such as Jackson, MS's Holly Moser, sympathized with him. She gave the black man credit for boldly standing up and asking every last person around him for change.
"I told him I'd give him some if I saw him later, even though I probably won't," Moser said. "Very nice man, though."
Most, however, ignored his requests.
"I'm a hardworking American who pays his taxes, and the last thing I need is some guy on the street demanding change from me," said William Overkamp, a Springfield, IL gun-shop owner.
He added, "What he really needs is a job."
This makes cry from laughing.. too funny. Ok i might be the only one laughing, but i think it is funny..
And on another note, to catch you up on the toilet lady, She is still really ill and undergoing treatment for her ass cheeks growing around the toilet seat. Well when she was taken to the hospital, her boyfriend was charged with one count of mistreatment for a dependent adult. Well just last week he had more trouble. I guess when your girlfriend is out of the bathroom and in the hospital with injuries you are charged with inflicting, it is the BEST time to flash a teenage girl and her friends your little willie. So he was arrested again. Apparently charges have not been files at time of this posting, but ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? what is wrong with people?? and yes, i would like an answer. seriously.. what are you thinking???
Here are some items you can use at the water cooler...
Today is Education and Sharing Day, by presidential proclamation.
Today is Smell the Breezes Day in
Today is Kite Flying Day, a great day for families to go fly a kite.(Yesterday was perfect to fly a kite, today, not so much)
Today is Downtown Day, a day to go downtown just to see if it’s still there.
Today is National Joe Day, honoring anyone named Joe. (don’t know anyone, but I will take a look around the office)
Today is Quirky Country Music Song Titles Day, a day to remember your favorite titles, like "I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home" or "Drop Kick Me, Jesus, Through the Goalpost Of Life" or "You're the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly." And time to create some new ones. (my dad would have loved this day, he liked to listen to Country music just because the lyrics were so funny)
Today is Resistance Day in
1973: "The Godfather" won the Academy Award for best picture of 1972, but star Marlon Brando, refused to accept the Oscar for best actor. Liza Minnelli won best actress for "Cabaret."
1979: Guitarist Eric Clapton married Patti Boyd, the ex-wife of Beatle George Harrison, in
1981: While setting up a demonstration of a working oil rig at the county fairgrounds, the
1991: In a demonstration in
1993: Actress Helen Hayes died at age 92. "The First Lady of the American Theater" won Oscars, Tonys, and Emmys, and had two Broadway theaters named for her.
1996: While trying to steal industrial glue from a factory in
1998: The Food and Drug Administration approved the drug Viagra, by Pfizer, to fight male impotence. (EUREAKA)
1999: Bill Minty of Bridgeport, Connecticut, boiled 6,000 eggs for his neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt in ten minutes. He boiled the eggs inside a mesh bag in a large washing machine at his dry cleaning shop. He says he perfected the technique over the years.
2001: Twelve days before his 88th birthday, Berry Thomas became the oldest bowler in
2002: Singer Lyle Lovette was trampled by a bull while trying to help his uncle, who had been thrown by the animal. Lovette's right leg was broken in several places.
Happy Thursday and friendly remember~ Survivor isn't on again until next week..
Today is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day, a day to name for whatever you wish, sponsored by the Tom and Ruth Roy of
Today is National Nougat Day. (send me your raspberry nougat)
Today is Legal Assistants Day.
Today is The Young and the Restless Day. The TV soap opera debuted on this date in 1973. Cast members have included David Hasselhoff, Tom Selleck, Wings Hauser, Deidre Hall, and Michael Damian. (as my grandmother would say, can’t miss your stories)
Today is National Puppy Appreciation Day. (George, we all appreciate you and your puppiness- well maybe just the breath, not the other end)
Today is Independence Day in
Today is Baltimore Oriole Appreciation Day, focusing attention on one of nature's most beautiful birds. (Yeah the bird maybe pretty but the ball team bites big ones)
1973: The daytime soap drama "The Young & The Restless" debuted on CBS-TV. (didn’t I hear this some where? Maybe there is an echo in here)
1987: Actor Walter Abel died at age 88. His films included "The Three Musketeers" of 1935, "Hold Back the Dawn," "Holiday Inn," and "
1994: Roger Clinton married Molly Martin at the Arboretum and Botanical Garden in
1995: A Cloucester,
1999: Dr. Jack Kevorkian was convicted in
2000: The Seattle Kingdome was imploded to make way for a new football arena.
2000: Vladimir Putin was elected president of
2003: Tony Evans of
Today is Cagney & Lacey Day. The TV show debuted on March 25, 1982, starring Meg Foster as Chris Cagney and Tyne Daly as Mary Beth Lacey. Sharon Gless took over the Cagney role after the first season. In the original TV movie, Loretta Swit played Cagney. (Anyoone born after 1986 should netflix some of these episodes. Let me tell you, classic TV!!!)
Today is Care Sunday in
Today is National Lobster Newburg Day. (OH MY GOD, you don’t have to tell me twice. I will participate in this one)
Today is Bed-In Day, commemorating John and Yoko’s first bed-in for peace in
Today is National Pecan Day, marking this date in 1775 when George Washington planted pecan trees at
Today is Waffle Day in
Today is Old New Year's Day, the beginning of the new year in
Today is Independence Day in Greece.. (Hey, It’s March 25th in
1971: The Boston Patriots became the New England Patriots.
1985: Stevie Wonder won an Academy Award for "I Just Called to Say I Love You."
1995: Little
1989: Michael Nunn defended his world middleweight boxing title in
1991: Michael Jackson escorted Madonna to the Academy Awards. (people are weird)
1996: Reuter news service reported that
1996: The new U.S. $100 bill went into circulation.
1997: Former President George Bush, at age 73, parachuted from a plane over the
1998: A 31-year-old hippopotamus at an
2003: Shortly after the National City Bank in downtown
2004: Russian Evgeni Plushenko won his third world figure skating title, defeating French rival Brian Joubert. (Again, who, who and why??)
2006: An estimated 500,000 people protested in
Today is See If You Can Remember How to Play Parcheesi Day. (I can’t even spell it much less know how to play)
Today Easter Monday, a holiday in many places, including
Today is Family Day in
Today is St. Gabriel’s Day, the feast day of Gabriel the
Today is National Chocolate Covered Raisins Day. (mmmmm, chocolate, raisins, mmmmm)
Today is Independence Day in the
Egg Salad Week begins today, always the week after Easter. (I love me some egg salad)
1978: Near
1980: Capitol Records released "Sie Liebt Dich" and "Komm Gib Mir Deine Hand" by the Beatles, the previously unreleased versions in German of "She Loves You" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand."
1989: The Exxon Valdez hit a reef in the Gulf of Alaska (Prince William Sound), spilling 11-million gallons of crude oil in the largest oil tanker spill in
1990: Hairless Sinead O’Connor became the first Irish female to top the
1991: Some 100 cars were damaged by fire when dry grass ignited at a cook-off sponsored by the San Antonio Firefighters Association. No one was hurt. (seems a little obvious, doesn’t it?)
2001: A German man who persuaded a friend to tell his fiancee he had been arrested to cover up an affair was fined $700 for wasting police officers' time. The fiancee called police to find out where her man was and found he had not been arrested. Police feared he might have been kidnapped by gangsters disguised as police and called in the friend for questioning. The friend confessed the story was made up. (Stupid people make me laugh)
2002: At the Academy Awards,
2007: A man in
Today is Fragrance Day and Flower Day, always the first full day of spring.
Today is Good Friday (God's Friday), commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus, the oldest Christian celebration.
Today is National Common Courtesy Day. (I guess that would make this day just as obsolete as the item they are celebrating)
Today is National French Bread Day. (YUMMMMMM)
Today is National Dance Day, a day to celebrate dance.
Today is National Memory Day. (I always forget this)
Today is Human Rights Day in
Today is International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, sponsored by the UN.
Today is New Year's Day in
Today is National Tree Planting Day in
1977: Mrs. James Duck of
1980: The TV show
1989: Dick Clark announced he would leave American Bandstand after hosting the TV show for 33 years. His replacement was 26-year-old David Hirsh.
1990: In a sermon Tammy Faye Bakker said, "Love has no nose ... poor people sometimes don’t smell too good, so love can have no nose."
1991: Leo Fender died at age 82. He built the first solid-body electric guitar to be mass-produced, the Fender Broadcaster, in 1948. Renamed the Telecaster in 1950, Fender's guitar became the mainstay of both country and rock musicians. The Fender Precision, introduced in 1950, was the first electric bass.
1994: The Chicago White Sox cut former NBA star Michael Jordan and sent him to the minor leagues.
1994: "Schindler's List" won best picture at the 66th Academy Awards; Holly Hunter was named best actress for "The Piano" and Tom Hanks won best actor for "
1999: Sheriff Tom Jones in Colby, Kansas, told reporters some prisoners liked their new black-and-white striped uniforms with the old-fashioned round convict caps because they made them "look professional." Other prisoners thought the uniforms were demeaning, but the sheriff felt that jail "ought to be a little demeaning."
2000: A divided U.S. Supreme Court ruled the government lacked authority to regulate tobacco as an addictive drug.
2002: Caught red-handed with a duffel bag full of liquor, cigarettes and cigars stolen from a convenience store, a
2005: The
Today is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day, a day to write letter of love and encouragement to the absolutely incredible children in your life. (I think this is a campfire
Today is Companies That Care Day (I am sure this is sponsored by Halliburton, R.J. Reynolds, Phillip Morris, Shell, Exxon and Chevron)
Today is The Great American Meatout. ( I can observe this today… and you should try it for one day too)
Today is Proposal Day, a holiday for those seeking to marry. Go ahead, propose! (OK, like Leap day, Ain’t gunna happen, so don’t even ask)
Today is the day pigeons return to courthouse in
Today is National Agriculture Day. (in other words, have you hugged your farmer day)
National Bubble Week begins today, a great time to have fun outdoors with children and bubbles. (I love bubbles)
Today is Independence Day in Tunisia. (don’t they mean it’s March 20th??)
1984: Naomi and Wynonna Judd made their stage debut in Omaha, opening a concert for The Statler Brothers.
1986: Fallon Carrington and Jeff Colby were married wed on the primetime TV soap "The Colby’s," a spin-off from "Dynasty."
1987: A Houston man was fined $10-thousand and assessed ten years probation for stealing 76,680 rolls of toilet paper from the hospital where he worked.
1990: The Colorado legislature made it legal to tear the "Do Not Remove" tags off mattresses.
1990: Singer Gloria Estefan suffered a broken back when a speeding truck plowed into the back of her tour bus on a snowy Pennsylvania highway.
1991: Michael Jackson signed the biggest deal in recording history: a $1-billion contract with Sony.
1994: Joy riders stole a car in Amsterdam, then abandoned it apparently without noticing the suitcase filled with thousands of dollars in cash and diamonds in the back seat.
1996: A 21-year-old Muppet fan claiming to have a bomb took over a radio station in Wanganui, New Zealand, and demanded that "Rainbow Connection" by Kermit the Frog be played non-stop for 12 hours. Police evacuated the area, decided the bomb was a fake, stormed the station, and arrested the listener. No one was hurt. (and you think I am crazy...)
1999: Dale Adams of Gunthorpe, England, introduced Tinky, a miniature stretched version of his mother, Cassey, a giant rottweiler. Tinky's father, quite incredibly, was Rusty, a tiny dachshund. The owner said he had no idea how the two proud parents got together to produce the very unique cross-breed.
2002: Actress Pamela Anderson disclosed that she had hepatitis C.
2003: U.S. and British forces invaded Iraq from Kuwait.