Monday, November 19, 2007

Squeezes for everyone

Today is a sad day in my Televison history memory.. Mr. Whipple, (Dick Wilson) is squeezing the big toilet paper roll in the sky. So, we are free to squeeze as much as you would like with no threat of some fussy, anal retentive store owner yelling at you for testing the squishyness of the Charmin.

I like short weeks at work. I was telling my boyfriend that today feels like a Wednesday/Monday. And then tomorrow will be a Thursday/Tuesday.

This past weekend we went to an old hotel here in Denver called the Brown palace. They had a cascade of champaign glasses, a master swordsman to cut the tops off of some champaign bottles and they lit their massive chandileer in the entryway. My boyfriend had to go for some Holiday pictures for his newspaper. I took along my video and got some shots of the event. I also got smacked in the head by a shattering champaign bottle that erupted in the swordsman's hand. I will try to get some of that video up for you to see. But the glass cascade was made of 6, 022 glasses. That was pretty impressive. Then some dancers from the Colorado ballet did a very small performance from the Nutcracker. That was enough for me.
Last christmas time my boyfriend got some free tickets to the Ballet doing the Niutcracker. We lasted a lot longer than i thought and snuck out at the first break. So, now i feel i got my fill of Nutcracker for this season.
Thats all for now.. have a great afternoon. I will be hitting the gym and then i think we are making home made pizza tonight


1 comment:

Whitney said...

Scratch that off my Christmas list of gifts to get. No Nutcracker tickets for Jennifer. Shucks!

I saw in the paper that Mr. Whipple had died. Wow, I remember those commercials and how you LOVED them.