Tuesday, May 20, 2008

the girlie is doing well

I just called the vet and she is doing well and just waking up now.. I can get her in a couple of hours.
after a long walk at lunch, watson is now asleep under my desk and snoring.. very funny to hear, but he is a good dog.
I can get gyoza a little later this afternoon. she will be groggy and have a lampshade on because the vet told me that she chewed through her catheter tube before surgery. She is a chewy dog, that's for sure.
and she said that the teeth cleaning went really well. She is sending the mass to the lab to be diagnosed.
that's the latest.. thanks for all your thoughts for my girlie..

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Yippee!! Glad she is doing well. Let us know what the doc says about her test results.