Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday Snack Time

The day after a good weekend is always hard. But it is not a pretty day so why not be inside. I, thankfully have switched tapes to some tapes of the Florida election process in 2004. What a mess that was. Some of the tapes have b-roll of hanging chads from the 2000 election. Been a while since i heard that expression.

Anyway the clock struck 2pm and i took my walk to the lunch room trying to guess what the snack is going to be. It is a fun little game i play with myself. I am usually wrong.
I turn the corner and everyone that is usually on that side of the building was outside, under our overhang, watching the sky dump rain and hail. Glad i cleaned the gutters, just wish i was at home to watch them work. The joy in a small success.

So, i by-passed the hail watchers and went for the snack..... and it is........


1 comment:

Whitney said...

Yum for the salty snack!!