Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Big Brother night....

That's what Tuesdays and Wednesdays are in our house.. And tonight is one.. I am so glad when Tuesday rolls around. perfect TV nights. But tonight we will be taping it. We are going to one of those first time home buyers meetings. We have seen a bunch being advertised and put on byhome builders and new planned communities, but when we saw this one being presented by a small city in the area of Denver proper, we thought that they can't be shoving too much smoke up our butts. and this is an area we have been looking at homes, so if they have any good links to grants and incentives for that particular community, we are going to listen. It just sucks that theya re so long. The one we are going to says it runs from 5:30 to 9:30, straight though prime tv time, not to mention hanging with the boyfriend. But to be honest, he has been Mr. Grumpy McGrumpster lately, so maybe a meeting is just what we need.. :)
I will let you know if it was a waste of my precious Tuesday afternoon hours. But the way i look at it, even if it is something we don't want to do, we will know that, and that is more than we know right now. so it can't be all that bad. again, i will let you know if i will be eating crow tomorrow.

So, speaking of Big Brother, I personally think that Evil Dick will be on this week. for an appearance. I don't think he will stick around, but it will be fun to see the house guests' faces when he comes in. They will all be scared of him. These players this season are nothing compared to the hell that Evil Dick raised in the house last year, and HE WON!! He knew how to play and did it well.

As lasagna tends to do, it is getting better by the day. I had leftovers for lunch yesterday and they were awesome. I have some here today, but i think i am skipping lunch (i know, not healthy, but i have enough to spare, and seeing that i stopped fully working out, believe i can miss a meal and still be ok) and eating when i get home to not be hungry during the meeting.. Makes sense to me.. but don't fret, i am also not hungry right now. so, not starving myself.. believe me i love food too much to do that.

Since my boyfriend was really grumpy yesterday i did a lot of putzing around the house and ended up getting the whole extra bedroom (where i have my clothes and things) cleaned and organized. I have a stack of things to take to the goodwill. Well the one near me is an ARC. Feels good to give things to people that may want to use them. But i don't think i can give underwear. I mean they are clean and most are not even used (i got the wrong style about two years ago and they had been sitting in the back of the drawer since that fateful day).. will they? They are not in a package.. well i will check on that.

OK, enough about my under garments. here is some other interesting facts..

Today is Cagney & Lacey Day. The TV show debuted on March 25, 1982, starring Meg Foster as Chris Cagney and Tyne Daly as Mary Beth Lacey. Sharon Gless took over the Cagney role after the first season. In the original TV movie, Loretta Swit played Cagney. (Anyoone born after 1986 should netflix some of these episodes. Let me tell you, classic TV!!!)

Today is Care Sunday in England. (care about what???)

Today is National Lobster Newburg Day. (OH MY GOD, you don’t have to tell me twice. I will participate in this one)

Today is Bed-In Day, commemorating John and Yoko’s first bed-in for peace in Amsterdam on March 25, 1969. (Funny, no wonder I wanted to stay in bed all day.. explains a lot)

Today is National Pecan Day, marking this date in 1775 when George Washington planted pecan trees at Mount Vernon. A gift from Thomas Jefferson, some of the trees still survive today. (my sister would love this fact if she weren’t on vacation ignoring me)

Today is Waffle Day in Sweden. (can I participate tomorrow AM? I will…)

Today is Old New Year's Day, the beginning of the new year in Britain and the U.S. Colonies until 1751, when both adopted the Gregorian Calendar and the new year began on January 1st. (always a Christian reasoning for everything)

Today is Independence Day in Greece.. (Hey, It’s March 25th in Greece)

1971: The Boston Patriots became the New England Patriots.

1985: Stevie Wonder won an Academy Award for "I Just Called to Say I Love You."

1995: Little Texas’ Jeff Huskins married Leslie Buchanan at Nashville’s Woodmont Christian Church. (Who, who, where and why do I care??- wikipedia here I come)

1989: Michael Nunn defended his world middleweight boxing title in Las Vegas, then promptly lost the $1-million check at the victory party. The next day Nunn got a call from an honest janitor, who found the check while sweeping up. (And now he is a very rich janitor)

1991: Michael Jackson escorted Madonna to the Academy Awards. (people are weird)

1996: Reuter news service reported that Shanghai surgeons removed 1,650 stones from a 47-year-old woman’s gallbladder. Zhu Ping had had gallbladder problems for ten years, but was up and exercising one day after the surgery.

1996: The new U.S. $100 bill went into circulation.

1997: Former President George Bush, at age 73, parachuted from a plane over the Arizona desert. (people are weird)

1998: A 31-year-old hippopotamus at an Argentina zoo died from swallowing a tennis ball that someone threw into his cage. (people are weird)

2003: Shortly after the National City Bank in downtown Columbus, Ohio, was robbed, police spotted a man about a block away, walking strangely. The 40-year-old man had learned a painful lesson: Never shove stolen money containing an explosive dye pack down your pants. The suspect was charged with aggravated robbery. (people are really weird)

2004: Russian Evgeni Plushenko won his third world figure skating title, defeating French rival Brian Joubert. (Again, who, who and why??)

2006: An estimated 500,000 people protested in Los Angeles against proposed U.S. legislation that would make it a felony to be in the United States illegally

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