that's today, because that is all i will be doing today.. Typing and listening and listening and typing. I turned in my WWII memorial story tapes and have moved on to the next one down the line. I Was really wanting some puppies and rainbows, but to no avail. I don't know why no real new reporter does stories on puppies and rainbows, but they don't seem to.
SO, i pick up the next story and of course it is more Iraq stuff.. But this time, at least these kids survived. They might not have all their limbs, but they are alive.
It is going to get in the 90's today... I know the east has been suffering a lot, and so has Indiana. So we watch the news and thank god that we are in Colorado right now.. Don't want to be flooded or in 100 degree weather. There is a larger pool that i want to get to upgrade from the baby pool i have been sitting in for two years. The one i have been eyeing is on sale at Rite aid AND at Wallgreens. It is $49.99 at Rite aid and $59.99 at wallgreens except you get a $20 rebate.. I am thinking about just doing the $49. and being done with it. But this one is about 2 feet high, and likst 10 feet across so we can actually float if we wanted, or we could just put a chair in it and be able to sit too.. and it has it's own filter and doesn't need sand, apparently.. not that i would have thought about sand. And it will fit on our porch and not hang over and kill any grass.. very important..
WE should know some news to share with family really soon. I will let you know.. But if you can try to keep it under your hat until we can get to a doctor and get the real blood test and all.. But like mom said and whitney has said.. I knew it from day one.. and i am pretty positive i am right..
we will see. I think i will take an early pee stick test tomorrow morning. Jeff and I are both jumping at the bit....
Oh and speaking of jumping at the bit. can you believe the Bellmont?? I swear they could all make more money with the wild card horse than knowing that Big Brown would win. He was only going for 5-7 odds.. and the winner was something like 1-60, so I think the fix was in.. I smell it a mile away.. Vegas, the track and the two horses camps were probably the only ones in on it, but it worked and I bet everyone made out like bandits (except all the poor people at the track waiting to see a triple crown- suckers)
And I have officially gone nuts. I actually paid $4.00 a gallon for a tank of gas yesterday. To be honest, I gave myself the tipping point of $40 to fill the tank. Yesterday it was only $34.00, but I think i need to rethink my driving habits and do what i can to reduce the carbon emissions, even if it is by force.. It's the right thing to do. So, i may be taking the bus a few days a week.. gotta check the schedule and times.
Have a wonderful Tuesday..
Oh and I didn't forget about the photos, i just didn't get around to it last night. But i did get them on the computer, so that's the first step. :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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