Monday, October 29, 2007

Just another Manic Monday

Well, there is the end. Red Sox swept us hard and bad. I don't want to say that we didn't try. I think we played great baseball and for the team's first visit to the big dance, we did alright. This will just give us the experience we need to win the next time we get there. And with this team, i think we will get there again. Now, we just have to keep our eye on for the trading and re-negotiating before Spring training.
So, my camera was stolen from my backpack at the bar I was watching the game at. I am so bummed. It wasn't a small little cheap thing, it was a Nikon for God Sakes. I can't believe that happened. Just makes me mad and then sad.

Many of you might be wondering if i have given up on the walking thing as i have not posted my pedometer reading in a while. Well it will please you to know that not only have i not given up walking, but i can even run at some points during my exercise. But i am also using the weight machines at the gym. I am starting to feel sore muscles and everything. That is very cool. I have taken the weekends off, but i am back at it this evening. I wish i could convince myself to go in the mornings so i will boost my metabolism all day, but i am still whiny about getting up early just for work, so to get up any earlier is just stupid for me. But at least i am going.

well, that's about it. Sorry Rockies, better luck next year. I am not a fair weather fan, and i will miss all the excitement that the Rockies brought to us this season and look forward to the next season.

We have Monday Night Football in town tonight. Broncos Vs. Packers.

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