Friday, February 29, 2008

what are we supposed to leap?

Everyone has been looking at me strange all day and i can't figure it out. Why isn't everyone leaping over things today? I figure everyone else are able to get their leaping in in the privacy of their own homes.

So, we were having a discussion the other night about leap day and we hear that women are supposed to propose marriage to their men on this day. I said it reminded me of the Sadie Hawkins dances we have in Middle school. My boyfriend looked at me like i was crazy. I guess they don't have Sadie Hawkins days where he grew up.

Remove your hand from the mouse.. I will answer all your questions right now and the answer is NO, I am not going to propose to my boyfriend today.. That is his job and he knows it. I am not the one to overstep my boundaries. And i have a feeling he will ask me when our child says it's ok (we are not even pregnant right now)
So rest easy, you will know if it ever happens but i can tell you for sure it will not be easy.
This weekend is delivery weekend, again. We have to deliver the music magazines that we do each month. So the only thing it means to me is that i get a good lunch or dinner out of it. That is my payment for helping my boyfriend get this side job done.
but i want to get it all done before saturday which is going to be in the upper 60's to lower 70's. Very exciting.. I love this time of year. It can be wonderfully warm one day and snowing the nest. exactly what is called for this weekend. nice saturday, snowing sunday.
I have no motivation to be here today. The only thing that was making me excited for work was where we were ordering from today. I really wanted a fried chicken tossed salad. but when i got here I looked over the menu and looked again, and can't find what i want. They don't even have that offered anymore... how sad.. And now i am here and with out lunch. My weekend might start at lunchtime. what do you think??? well since no one ever leaves me comments, I have to make my own mind up. That was easy.. see you next week..
(or check back for video updates if it snows sunday :)


Anonymous said...

It's Friday, it's an extra day in the month, it should be a day off. So, leave early and enjoy the outside.

Now someone has left you comments. You are not alone.

Whitney said...

It is sunday and your weather pixie says it is snowing!!