Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Let my people go....

OK, I am not a crazed American Idol fan at all. Not anythiing like my Grandfather's neighbor who runs three to four different telephones to call in and vote for her favorite singer. (she is an adult, yes.. I know, I know... ) anyway, But i do indulge in the first few episodes to watch typical tone deaf attention seeking Americans line up for days to get the chance to act the fool in front of a camera. I have no idea what most are thinking. I mean those are entire stadiums full of bad singers for NO REASON. Why don't they save the time and go down to Radio Shake and buy a video camera and make youtube their outlet, but no, I guess there is something these people thrive on to make fools of themselves on National television for 35 seconds. They don't even get the full 15 minutes. Although William Hung took all their 15 minutes for himself. Glad that timer is up.
Anyway... This was my favorite fool last night. We actually had to pause the television because we were laughing over the singing and couldn't hear it.
The clip below is the entire segment with this guy, but you can skip to about 45 seconds in and he starts, well.... um... trying.. i will leave it at that. I think what gets me the most is the tongue positioning for the "L" sounds.. so funny.. and the way her pronounces the word 'GO'... oh my god, I am crying just watching it again.
I would love to have a chat with the people this guy works with and get them all hearing aids.

Little stock show update... we took the night off yesterday and will be back tonight for the dog agility competition. I will post the PBR (professional Bull Riding) chute out soon. Just didn't get anytime last night.
Have a great Wednesday!!!!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

I saw it last night and we cracked up...

Let my people gooooo....