Thursday, January 10, 2008

The waiting is the hardest part.

Sorry about no posting yesterday, I don't know what i was thinking. I thought it was Tuesday all day and that i had written that yesterday. I seriously had to ask a co-worker this morning what day it was and completely surprised to hear that it was Thursday.. What is that about??? I totally lost a day and can't find it. I know that i didn't sleep through it and I know i lived it, but have can't believe it is really Thursday. Is that weird? OK, wait, don't answer that.
So, i changed my comments settings and now anyone that wants to comment can. No log in, no email addresses, just comment away. I know that i am probably opening a can of worms, but to be honest I have not had a can of worms in such a long time, that i thought it was time to get into that can again. So, comment all you want. I will read them all..
Love my puzzle? hate it? want to see some mutton busting, or don't. I want to know..
Well since you read this far i will reward you with some more puzzle.. enjoy the quad segment.


Whitney said...

Oooo.... It stopped just at the good part! Another set of hands entered the picture.

Like the jamies!!

Whitney said...

oh, forgot!! Yes, I wanna see mutton busting!!

What is it?